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National Pokédex

A web application meant to exhibit items returned from PokéAPI (

It's possible to navigate in pages offering info regarding each pokémon, and also search for specific pocket monsters.


  • Submitting a value in the search bar will show the page with the desired pokémon.
  • Clicking on any pokemon opens a page with that pokemon's info.
  • Documentation
  • Linting
  • Charts
  • Unit Testing
  • Animation on page change.
  • Break pokemon-details test spec into smaller parts, for each module.
  • Custom Hooks pattern, whenever applicable.



main is the production branch.

dev contains only work-in-progress. Whenever ready, it is merged to main.


  1. Copy the .env.example file into a new .env.local file.

There are no personal access keys to the API, so you can just copy it.

  1. pnpm i, for installing the dependencies.

  2. pnpm dev, for running the development server.


pnpm build


pnpm preview


pnpm test


  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • ESLint/Prettier
  • TailwindCSS
  • shadcn
  • Axios
  • React Query
  • Recharts
  • Vitest/Testing Library
  • pnpm


This is the v2 release, developed after identifying the enhancement oportunities during tests conducted in v1.

TailwindCSS and shadcn were selected to speed up development, guarantee consistency and ease the development of high-quality interfaces. shadcn implements several solutions related to accessibility out-of-the-box, a bonus in several key metrics.

React Query (also known as Tanstack Query) was selected because the majority of the application state originates from the server. Beyond managing state, it's efficient in caching, memoization and deduplication, also offering several ways to easily deal with the request status. Integration with Axios offers a better error handling and further improves reliability of the results.

Zod offers schema validation, allowing stronger type checking than TypeScript em key aspects.

React Hook Form was selected for its ease of use and performance advantages during form handling.

Vitest offers a significant performance improvement in comparison to Jest, while maintaining a very similar API. Integrating with Testing Library offers a deeper layer of testing, while user-event allows triggering user events.

pnpm is a fast and stable package manager, reusing packages efficiently across several projects.

Ps.: During testing, it was identified that GraphQL would've been useful for typing and other functionalities, however it was not implemented due to time constraints.

Usage of React Query with GraphQL solves the issue of caching with the latter, however if we are using Apollo, React Query is not needed.

Apollo replaces React Query, SWR and others.

Folder Structure

└── 📁looqbox-frontend-challenge
    └── .env.local
    └── .eslintrc.cjs
    └── .gitignore
    └── .prettierrc
    └── 📁.vscode
        └── settings.json
    └── components.json
    └── index.html
    └── package.json
    └── pnpm-lock.yaml
    └── postcss.config.js
    └── 📁public
        └── vite.svg
    └── 📁src
        └── 📁api
            └── getPokemon.ts
            └── searchPokemon.ts
        └── App.tsx
        └── 📁assets
            └── loader.svg
            └── missingno.gif
            └── pokeball.png
            └── react.svg
        └── 📁components
            └── heading.tsx
            └── 📁home
                └── pokemon-card.tsx
                └── pokemon-list.tsx
            └── 📁internal
                └── 📁pokemon-details
                    └── abilities.tsx
                    └── charts.tsx
                    └── description.tsx
                    └── index.tsx
                    └── moves.tsx
                    └── name.tsx
                    └── root.tsx
                    └── stats.tsx
                    └── types.tsx
            └── loader.tsx
            └── search.tsx
            └── 📁ui
                └── badge.tsx
                └── button.tsx
                └── card.tsx
                └── input.tsx
                └── sonner.tsx
        └── env.ts
        └── index.css
        └── 📁lib
            └── axios.ts
            └── react-query.ts
            └── utils.ts
        └── main.tsx
        └── 📁modules
            └── replaceDashWithWhiteSpace.ts
        └── 📁pages
            └── 404.tsx
            └── home.tsx
            └── 📁layouts
                └── base-layout.tsx
            └── pokemon.tsx
        └── routes.tsx
        └── 📁tests
            └── heading.spec.tsx
            └── pokemon-card.spec.tsx
            └── pokemon-details.spec.tsx
        └── vite-env.d.ts
    └── tailwind.config.js
    └── 📁test
        └── setup.ts
    └── tsconfig.json
    └── tsconfig.node.json
    └── vite.config.ts


Stores reusable functions, always related to API requests.


General usage images and icons.


Contains several components of the application.

  • Has subfolders associated to each page or category: for example, "ui" stores components installed by shadcn.

  • Componentes reused in all pages do not belong to any subdivision. If there were more than 3, a "miscellaneous" folder would be appropriate.


Has the configuration files for each library, as needed.


Stores the pages navigated by the user.

  • The subfolder "layouts" contains a template reused by all pages.


env.ts: used for validation of environment variables.

test/setup.ts: folder meant to setup the integration between Vitest and Testing Library.


Lighthouse was essential for development. Along with a anonymous window and preview mode supplied by Vite, it's easier to obtain reliable results, without external interference (extensions, for example).

  • Key optimizations were made in several aspects, such as fixed height and width of each image to prevent layout shifts.

  • CSS bundle size is impacted positively by tailwindCSS' reuse of utility classes across the entire project.

  • The objective was to target a 90 score (minimum) in each metric. However, there may be random variance related to network or other causes.

  • The Home displays 41 pokémon, as rendering the first 151 pokémon from Kanto affected Lighthouse's metrics.

  • Another key aspect relates to modern image formats: .webp and .avif are not applicable, due to the server providing png image assets in real time.


  1. SOLID.

  2. Composition Pattern: used frequently by shadcn and my application's custom components. The intent is slicing each part of a component and importing it in a modular manner, facilitating maintenance, improving code legibility and allowing reuse of code.

  3. Custom Hooks: abstracting logic for API requests.

Useful links

React Query DevTools:


A web application meant to exhibit pokémon returned from the PokéAPI.







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