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Mottie edited this page Feb 13, 2013 · 9 revisions

Add Action Keys

  • Add a keyaction function (e.g. $.keyboard.keyaction.test = function(base){};), or extend the variable to add more than one (e.g. $.extend( $.keyboard.keyaction, { test : function(base){}, test2 : function(base){} });)
  • Add a display option name update (optional) into the keyboard initialization options. In the example below, if you don't change the display name, the action key name will be "test"
  • Add the new action key to your layout by simply wrapping the key name in curly brackets e.g. "{test}"
  • Some action keys can get the button action class applied as follows:
    • The action class (options.css.buttonAction) is applied and makes the button stand out like the {accept}, {cancel} & {enter} keys.
    • Add double exclamation point to the custom key name {custom!!} or to any built-in action key except: {accept}, {alt}, {bksp}, {cancel}, {combo}, {dec}, {enter}, {meta#}, {shift}, {sign}, {sp:#}, {space} or {tab}.
    • For an example, see "Custom Action Key" demo.
// Add a "test" keyaction
$.keyboard.keyaction.test = function(base){
  alert('you smell like cheese');

  layout: 'custom',
  display: {
    'test' : 'Cheese' // change the test keyaction displayed name to "Cheese"
  customLayout: {
    'default' : [
    // {test} adds the keyaction key and displays the alert
    // "test" will enter the text "test" into the input
    '{test} test'
  • Here is an example that adds two action keys which add or subtract one from the current value - demo made in response to issue #54. Note the use of jQuery's extend function.
$.extend($.keyboard.keyaction, {
    plus: function(base){
        var v = parseFloat(base.$preview.val()) || 0;
    minus: function(base){
        var v = parseFloat(base.$preview.val()) || 0;

    acceptValid: false,
    layout: 'custom',
    display: {
        'alt'   : '\u2666', // Diamond
        'plus'  : '+',
        'minus' : '-'
    customLayout: {
        'default': ['{alt} {accept} {cancel}', '{plus} {minus}'],
        'alt': ['{alt} {accept} {cancel}', '1 2 3', '4 5 6', '7 8 9', '0 . c']
    alwaysOpen: true,
    visible: function(e, key, el) {
    validate: function(e, key, el) {
        // Accept only numeric
        var test = /\d+/.test(key);
        if (!test) {
        return test;


Modify an Action Key

  • As described in this issue, you could modify the enter key action (both typed and clicked in the virtual keyboard) to submit the form when activated.
$.keyboard.keyaction.enter = function(base){
  if (base.el.tagName === "input") {
    base.accept();      // accept the content
    $('form').submit(); // submit form on enter
  } else {
    base.insertText('\r\n'); // textarea

Default Actions

  • Any of the following keyaction functions can be modified as desired.
  • I wouldn't recommend modifying the "alt", "shift" or "meta" functions. As they change the visible keyset, but I left it in here to show how to determine which keyset is active or to even switch them.
// Action key function list
$.keyboard.keyaction = {
  accept : function(base){
    base.close(true); // same as base.accept();
    return false;     // return false prevents further processing
  alt : function(base,el){
    base.altActive = !base.altActive;
  bksp : function(base){
    base.insertText('bksp'); // the script looks for the "bksp" string and initiates a backspace
  cancel : function(base){
    return false; // return false prevents further processing
  clear : function(base){
  combo : function(base){
    var c = !base.options.useCombos;
    base.options.useCombos = c;
    base.$keyboard.find('.ui-keyboard-combo')[(c) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](base.options.css.buttonAction);
    if (c) { base.checkCombos(); }
    return false;
  dec : function(base){
    base.insertText((base.decimal) ? '.' : ',');
  // el is the pressed key (button) object; it is null when the real keyboard enter is pressed
  enter : function(base, el, e) {
    var tag = base.el.tagName, o = base.options;
    // shift-enter in textareas
    if (e.shiftKey) {
      // textarea & input - enterMod + shift + enter = accept, then go to prev; base.switchInput(goToNext, autoAccept)
      // textarea & input - shift + enter = accept (no navigation)
      return (o.enterNavigation) ? base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], true) : base.close(true);
    // input only - enterMod + enter to navigate
    if (o.enterNavigation && (tag !== 'TEXTAREA' || e[o.enterMod])) {
      return base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
    // pressing virtual enter button inside of a textarea - add a carriage return
    // is span when clicking on text and button at other times
    if (tag === 'TEXTAREA' && $('button').length) {
      base.insertText(' \n'); // IE8 fix (space + \n) - fixes #71 thanks Blookie!
  // caps lock key
  lock : function(base,el){
    base.lastKeyset[0] = base.shiftActive = base.capsLock = !base.capsLock;
  meta : function(base,el){
    base.metaActive = ($(el).hasClass(base.options.css.buttonAction)) ? false : true;
  next : function(base) {
    base.switchInput(true, base.options.autoAccept);
    return false;
  prev : function(base) {
    base.switchInput(false, base.options.autoAccept);
    return false;
  shift : function(base,el){
    base.lastKeyset[0] = base.shiftActive = !base.shiftActive;
  sign : function(base){
    if(/^\-?\d*\.?\d*$/.test( base.$preview.val() )) {
      base.$preview.val( (base.$preview.val() * -1) );
  space : function(base){
    base.insertText(' ');
  tab : function(base) {
    if (base.el.tagName === 'INPUT') { return false; } // ignore tab key in input

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