Table of Contents
matapihi is a way of setting up a docker container that hosts an Xserver and VNC server and SSH server, it uses the SSH server to allow the client to tunnel to the VNC port 5900, and then use a vnc client to view the Xdisplay.
To help with setup there is a config file (build-vars.toml
) and a python build script
that will
read this config file and pass the relevant args through to the docker build
command, this is a way to build with secrets without them being available in the
image layers on docker hub. In the end I didn't really use this for kainga as I
set it up to prompt for new passwords on first connection anyway, but it may be
usefull if you want to build containers locally with private secrets and host
them on Docker Hub more securely.
The image is hosted on docker hub so you can just skip straight to the How to Run section if you don't require any extra build args or secrets.
check the configuration in the build-vars.toml
and then call
python(3) docker_compose_with_secrets [options]
, -d
is good for testing as
without it the secret files will get wiped on termination of the build script.
Use the following command to start a container:
docker run -p <port-on-host-to-tunnel-through>:22 [--mount type=bind,source=<folder/to/share>,target=<place/on/container>] --name <conainer-name> sierraalpha/matapihi:<tag>
is the port on the host that will fwd to the SSH port on the container, I normally use 22000[]
denotes an optional field to share a host directory with the container ()don't include the[]
is the dirctory on the host you want the contaier to have access too<place/on/container>
is where you want the host folder to be mounted on the container<container-name>
is a name you want to easily identify the container in docker<tag>
the latest tag avalable from docker hub check here
docker images
list all images
docker rmi (docker images -a -q)
remove all unused images
We build the image using the
script to allow
secrets to be passed in at image build time. This uses the build-vars.toml
file to pass in the relevant args and prompt for any not given.
default password is initial
The Container:
- sets up the Xvnc server (and VNC Password), and the SSH server,
- it sets up a user,
- copys in and gives the correct permissions to various X related config and init files,
- voids the default user password
- then it launches the SHH server and waits for an SSH connection to connect and update the password
- then it launches the Xserver on display :0 and the related VNC server connected to the same display
- once a client connects through a VNC viewer it launches the matapihi init scripts
- these scripts prompt the user for an URL that points to scripts the user wants to run on entry and exit of the Xsession
- subsequent launches of matapihi will load these scripts automatically without needing to prompt the user
If the scripts are incorrect they can be modified manually by inspecting the
and/or ~/.matapihi/matapihi_exit
files or you can
call matapihi -c
to clear the files followed by a matapihi -i
reinitialise the script prompt, if the init prompt will only ask for URLs to
replace files that are missing. See Matapihi Useage for more
It's important that whatever the matapihi_start
script does that it launches
something blocking in the foreground, if it doesn't matapihi will continue into
the exit script and the Xserver will close.
Usage: matapihi [option]
only one option is supported at a time
NOTE: It works best if supplied scripts for \`matapihi_start\`
and \`matapihi_exit\` are idempotent, that is they can be executed
multiple times with the same outcome.
-c clear
Clears the previously loaded \`matapihi_start\` and
\`matapihi_exit\` scripts
-h help
Launches this help and exits
-i initialise
If the scripts \`matapihi_start\` or \`matapihi_exit\`
don't exist it prompts the user for an url to wget them
-q quit
Run the user defined \`matapihi_exit\` script, this should
shut down everything and kill the session
-r refresh/run
If the scripts don't exist call init then;
This will re-run the scripts in the order of \`matapihi_exit\`
then \`matapihi -s\` and when start closes \`matapihi -q\`
-s start
This will run the \`matapihi_start\` script
GPL3, see for full description.
Feel free to checkout my sponsor link, raise issues or PR's as required.