#HapJava HapJava is a Java/Android implementation of HomeKit Accessory Protocol server.
#Get Started
Compile HapJava in application module of build.gradle
compile 'com.guok.hapjava:hap-java:0.1.0'
Include HapJava in Maven pom.xml
##Need to do
- Advertiser implements re-advertise when accessory or service changing with Bonjour TXT record "c#" update.
- In Pair Setup M1,M3,M5, need to verify the request parameters and response with kTLVError.
- More response ,like MultiStatus e.g. need to implement
- SubscriptionManager exists issue when lost connection.
- AccessoryHandler.connection maybe exist issue concurrently.
- Characteristics permission exits big problem.
request does not implement Page 88./paring
request with method LIST_PAIRINGS need to implement.