Telegram Android application + "Instagram-style" photo and video editing features
This is an "upgrade" of the open source code of Telegram ( ) with added features for photo and video editing. In particular, it has been modified:
- the photo editor with "filters presets" like the ones available in Instagram
- the video editor with "filters presets" like Instagram, a "GIF" creator and a "crop" functionality
The modification have been made inside:
- "PhotoFilterView" for the photo part
- "VideoEditorActivity" and the "video_editor_layout.xml" for the video part
The libraries that have been used are:
- JavaCV ( ) with "FFmpegFrameFilter", "FFmpegFrameRecorder", "FFmpegFrameGrabber"
NOTE: if you want to compile this code in Android Studio you must:
Import the project folder in Android Studio
Obtain a Telegram API key as explained in README
Obtain a Google key and the JSON file: follow the steps to "GET A CONFIGURATION FILE" at "" . You will need to create your own project with an arbitrary name BUT IN THE PACKAGE NAME FIELD YOU MUST USE "org.telegram.messenger" ! You will also have to download a JSON file that you must insert in the "TmessageProj" folder inside the project.
Obtain an Hockey App key (
Fill the correct values in src/main/java/org/telegram/messenger/ file
Create a keystore on your PC by going in Android Studio->Build->Generate Signed APK . Insert all the needed fields and you will generate a keystore file in a defined path.
Insert all the keys and the path of your keystore in the correct spots in TmessageProj/build.gradle
You should be ready to go, enjoy!