git clone ""
cd ChatbotKit
swift run
for now just go to Sources/chatbot-builder/main.swift and modify the file directly
let resetPassword = FlowBuilder
.create(id: "reset_password", name: "Reset Password Flow") { f, start in
start <- f.choice("Enter your Password and your done") { choice in
return (
forgot: choice
<- f.option("ENTER_PASSWORD")
<- f.exit("Enter Password-Flow"),
done: choice
<- f.option("FORGOT_PASSWORD")
<- f.message("I have forgotten my password")
<- f.choice("Not to worry i just sent you an email with a reset code") { choice in
resend: choice <- f.option("RESEND"),
enter: choice <- f.option("ENTER_PASSWORD")
Basically a small DSL to create a graph which represents the chatbotflow
can be rendered with graphviz
brew install graphviz
swift run >
dot -o graph.pdf -T pdf
open ./graph.pdf