For a set of securities identitifed by their ISIN update their current prices.
- From external files populate securites (json) and output (csv).
- For each ISIN create a task for each its sources to retrieve the price. When a task has succesfully found a price cancel its other tasks.
- Add/Update the store ISINs with the new prices.
- Save the output back to its external location.
- URL to populateSecurities
- URL to populateStore
- URL to patch changesTOKEN
- authorization token for patch request
"isin": <International Securities Identification Number>,
"src": [
"url": <Web resource>,
"p": <Regex pattern>
"isin": "GB000434554312",
"src": [
"url": "http://localhost:8000/1.html",
"p": "Price <\/span><span class=\"price\">([.0-9]+)<\/span>"
"url": "http://localhost:8000/2.html",
"p": "sell price<\/div><h3>([.0-9]+)p<\/h3>"
Executing the binary having exporting the envs.
go build && ./price-update
docker build -t price-update .
docker run --env INPUT=$INPUT --env OUTPUT=$OUTPUT \
--env API=$API --env TOKEN=$TOKEN \
--rm price-update
This currently deploys out as GCP function which is then run by a scheduler.
make deploy