The goal of this repo is to generate predictive models for FRC matches. The folders are structured by competition year.
See 2019/
for a very bare-bones approach to producing input examples. I've achieved about 68% accuracy using a random forest implementation (four-fold cross-validation) using only the team names as inputs. Note however this uses information from the future to predict past results. Lots of work to do to add more features (even historical features) and also build towards only predicting forwards in time.
The rest of this README has auto-generated details about the swagger API generated from I encountered some unexpected webcast types and made minor modifications to models\ to handle them. See for more information on auto-generating client API code. Note there's a lot of missing information below. Start from 2019/
for a working example.
For 2020 notebooks see the 2020 folder.
Information and statistics about FIRST Robotics Competition teams and events.
All endpoints require an Auth Key to be passed in the header X-TBA-Auth-Key
. If you do not have an auth key yet, you can obtain one from your Account Page. A User-Agent
header may need to be set to prevent a 403 Unauthorized error.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 3.04.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: apiKey
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-TBA-Auth-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-TBA-Auth-Key'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.TBAApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
if_modified_since = 'if_modified_since_example' # str | Value of the `Last-Modified` header in the most recently cached response by the client. (optional)
api_response = api_instance.get_status(if_modified_since=if_modified_since)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling TBAApi->get_status: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
TBAApi | get_status | GET /status | |
DistrictApi | get_district_events | GET /district/{district_key}/events | |
DistrictApi | get_district_events_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/events/keys | |
DistrictApi | get_district_events_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/events/simple | |
DistrictApi | get_district_rankings | GET /district/{district_key}/rankings | |
DistrictApi | get_district_teams | GET /district/{district_key}/teams | |
DistrictApi | get_district_teams_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/keys | |
DistrictApi | get_district_teams_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/simple | |
DistrictApi | get_districts_by_year | GET /districts/{year} | |
DistrictApi | get_event_district_points | GET /event/{event_key}/district_points | |
DistrictApi | get_team_districts | GET /team/{team_key}/districts | |
EventApi | get_district_events | GET /district/{district_key}/events | |
EventApi | get_district_events_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/events/keys | |
EventApi | get_district_events_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/events/simple | |
EventApi | get_event | GET /event/{event_key} | |
EventApi | get_event_alliances | GET /event/{event_key}/alliances | |
EventApi | get_event_awards | GET /event/{event_key}/awards | |
EventApi | get_event_district_points | GET /event/{event_key}/district_points | |
EventApi | get_event_insights | GET /event/{event_key}/insights | |
EventApi | get_event_match_timeseries | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/timeseries | |
EventApi | get_event_matches | GET /event/{event_key}/matches | |
EventApi | get_event_matches_keys | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/keys | |
EventApi | get_event_matches_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/simple | |
EventApi | get_event_op_rs | GET /event/{event_key}/oprs | |
EventApi | get_event_predictions | GET /event/{event_key}/predictions | |
EventApi | get_event_rankings | GET /event/{event_key}/rankings | |
EventApi | get_event_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/simple | |
EventApi | get_event_teams | GET /event/{event_key}/teams | |
EventApi | get_event_teams_keys | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/keys | |
EventApi | get_event_teams_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/simple | |
EventApi | get_event_teams_statuses | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/statuses | |
EventApi | get_events_by_year | GET /events/{year} | |
EventApi | get_events_by_year_keys | GET /events/{year}/keys | |
EventApi | get_events_by_year_simple | GET /events/{year}/simple | |
EventApi | get_team_event_awards | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/awards | |
EventApi | get_team_event_matches | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches | |
EventApi | get_team_event_matches_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/keys | |
EventApi | get_team_event_matches_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/simple | |
EventApi | get_team_event_status | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/status | |
EventApi | get_team_events | GET /team/{team_key}/events | |
EventApi | get_team_events_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year} | |
EventApi | get_team_events_by_year_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/keys | |
EventApi | get_team_events_by_year_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/simple | |
EventApi | get_team_events_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/events/keys | |
EventApi | get_team_events_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/events/simple | |
EventApi | get_team_events_statuses_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/statuses | |
ListApi | get_district_events | GET /district/{district_key}/events | |
ListApi | get_district_events_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/events/keys | |
ListApi | get_district_events_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/events/simple | |
ListApi | get_district_rankings | GET /district/{district_key}/rankings | |
ListApi | get_district_teams | GET /district/{district_key}/teams | |
ListApi | get_district_teams_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/keys | |
ListApi | get_district_teams_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/simple | |
ListApi | get_event_teams | GET /event/{event_key}/teams | |
ListApi | get_event_teams_keys | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/keys | |
ListApi | get_event_teams_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/simple | |
ListApi | get_event_teams_statuses | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/statuses | |
ListApi | get_events_by_year | GET /events/{year} | |
ListApi | get_events_by_year_keys | GET /events/{year}/keys | |
ListApi | get_events_by_year_simple | GET /events/{year}/simple | |
ListApi | get_team_events_statuses_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/statuses | |
ListApi | get_teams | GET /teams/{page_num} | |
ListApi | get_teams_by_year | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num} | |
ListApi | get_teams_by_year_keys | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num}/keys | |
ListApi | get_teams_by_year_simple | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num}/simple | |
ListApi | get_teams_keys | GET /teams/{page_num}/keys | |
ListApi | get_teams_simple | GET /teams/{page_num}/simple | |
MatchApi | get_event_match_timeseries | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/timeseries | |
MatchApi | get_event_matches | GET /event/{event_key}/matches | |
MatchApi | get_event_matches_keys | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/keys | |
MatchApi | get_event_matches_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/matches/simple | |
MatchApi | get_match | GET /match/{match_key} | |
MatchApi | get_match_simple | GET /match/{match_key}/simple | |
MatchApi | get_match_timeseries | GET /match/{match_key}/timeseries | |
MatchApi | get_team_event_matches | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches | |
MatchApi | get_team_event_matches_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/keys | |
MatchApi | get_team_event_matches_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/simple | |
MatchApi | get_team_matches_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year} | |
MatchApi | get_team_matches_by_year_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year}/keys | |
MatchApi | get_team_matches_by_year_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year}/simple | |
TeamApi | get_district_rankings | GET /district/{district_key}/rankings | |
TeamApi | get_district_teams | GET /district/{district_key}/teams | |
TeamApi | get_district_teams_keys | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/keys | |
TeamApi | get_district_teams_simple | GET /district/{district_key}/teams/simple | |
TeamApi | get_event_teams | GET /event/{event_key}/teams | |
TeamApi | get_event_teams_keys | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/keys | |
TeamApi | get_event_teams_simple | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/simple | |
TeamApi | get_event_teams_statuses | GET /event/{event_key}/teams/statuses | |
TeamApi | get_team | GET /team/{team_key} | |
TeamApi | get_team_awards | GET /team/{team_key}/awards | |
TeamApi | get_team_awards_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/awards/{year} | |
TeamApi | get_team_districts | GET /team/{team_key}/districts | |
TeamApi | get_team_event_awards | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/awards | |
TeamApi | get_team_event_matches | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches | |
TeamApi | get_team_event_matches_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/keys | |
TeamApi | get_team_event_matches_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/matches/simple | |
TeamApi | get_team_event_status | GET /team/{team_key}/event/{event_key}/status | |
TeamApi | get_team_events | GET /team/{team_key}/events | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year} | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_by_year_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/keys | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_by_year_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/simple | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/events/keys | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/events/simple | |
TeamApi | get_team_events_statuses_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/events/{year}/statuses | |
TeamApi | get_team_matches_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year} | |
TeamApi | get_team_matches_by_year_keys | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year}/keys | |
TeamApi | get_team_matches_by_year_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/matches/{year}/simple | |
TeamApi | get_team_media_by_tag | GET /team/{team_key}/media/tag/{media_tag} | |
TeamApi | get_team_media_by_tag_year | GET /team/{team_key}/media/tag/{media_tag}/{year} | |
TeamApi | get_team_media_by_year | GET /team/{team_key}/media/{year} | |
TeamApi | get_team_robots | GET /team/{team_key}/robots | |
TeamApi | get_team_simple | GET /team/{team_key}/simple | |
TeamApi | get_team_social_media | GET /team/{team_key}/social_media | |
TeamApi | get_team_years_participated | GET /team/{team_key}/years_participated | |
TeamApi | get_teams | GET /teams/{page_num} | |
TeamApi | get_teams_by_year | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num} | |
TeamApi | get_teams_by_year_keys | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num}/keys | |
TeamApi | get_teams_by_year_simple | GET /teams/{year}/{page_num}/simple | |
TeamApi | get_teams_keys | GET /teams/{page_num}/keys | |
TeamApi | get_teams_simple | GET /teams/{page_num}/simple |
- APIStatus
- APIStatusAppVersion
- Award
- AwardRecipient
- DistrictList
- DistrictRanking
- DistrictRankingEventPoints
- EliminationAlliance
- EliminationAllianceBackup
- EliminationAllianceStatus
- Event
- EventDistrictPoints
- EventDistrictPointsPoints
- EventDistrictPointsTiebreakers
- EventInsights
- EventInsights2016
- EventInsights2017
- EventInsights2018
- EventOPRs
- EventPredictions
- EventRanking
- EventRankingExtraStatsInfo
- EventRankingRankings
- EventRankingSortOrderInfo
- EventSimple
- Match
- MatchAlliance
- MatchScoreBreakdown2015
- MatchScoreBreakdown2015Alliance
- MatchScoreBreakdown2016
- MatchScoreBreakdown2016Alliance
- MatchScoreBreakdown2017
- MatchScoreBreakdown2017Alliance
- MatchScoreBreakdown2018
- MatchScoreBreakdown2018Alliance
- MatchScoreBreakdown2019
- MatchScoreBreakdown2019Alliance
- MatchSimple
- MatchSimpleAlliances
- MatchTimeseries2018
- MatchVideos
- Media
- Team
- TeamEventStatus
- TeamEventStatusAlliance
- TeamEventStatusAllianceBackup
- TeamEventStatusPlayoff
- TeamEventStatusRank
- TeamEventStatusRankRanking
- TeamEventStatusRankSortOrderInfo
- TeamRobot
- TeamSimple
- WLTRecord
- Webcast
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-TBA-Auth-Key
- Location: HTTP header