Discord Bot project for Rose Hack 2021.
The inspiration came from Iron Man and his AI Jarvis. We wanted to create an assistant that felt like his AI and could be genuinely useful.
Jarvis can grab the latest news articles, look up the weather in any city you want, translate messages into 108 different languages, searches on Wikipedia for any topic, and has greetings for whoever greets him.
We built it using various API's such as the Discord API, Wikipedia API, a news API, a weather API, and Google Translates API, bringing it all together in Python.
This was our first time building in Python so we needed to learn the language as we went.
We are very please with the translate feature, as it can help people connect and overcome the language barrier.
We became more familiar with using different API's and also we got the chance to learn Python.
Next we would like to implement some games that people in the server can play with Jarvis.