BALISSET (Ballistics and Logic Immersive Sim Systems & Encapsulating Technology) is a Unity Framework with the following features:
- Arbitrary Possession - Take control of any entity that extends from the Shell class, allowing for easy testing.
- Data Driven Design - Transform the functionality of different game elements like weapons and characters without ever needing to write code.
- Physics-Based Player Controller - Snappy, non-kinematic Rigidbody player controller class that responds to external forces from the world. No more pushing around GameObjects like they're weightless!
- Highly Customizable Player Controller - Change movement acceleration, top speeds, and drag per player state using the easily extended state pattern.
- Custom Editor Interfaces - Make development easier than ever, creating game content in an optimized workflow.
BALISSET is currently in active development, and is not ready for any form of release. More