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PyPI packaging notes

John Kerl edited this page May 22, 2024 · 6 revisions

Release instructions are at

Here we list steps to be done manually if for some reason the CI job which publishes to PyPI fails, and wheel artifacts need to be re-run manually.

  1. If the python-packaging workflow doesn't trigger automatically, click "Run workflow" on that page and select the new tag.
  2. Wait 30-45 minutes for the python-packaging workflow to complete.
  3. Open the workflow run page (example) and download the three ZIP files (,,
  4. Create and cd into a temp directory, and extract all the ZIP files there. You should have a flat directory with one .tar.gz and numerous .whl files (the sdist and wheels, respectively), with the expected version number in the filenames.
  5. twine check tiledbsoma-* and check all PASSED. (See also twine docs.)
  6. twine upload tiledbsoma-* and provide your PyPI creds or API token.
  7. Look over PyPI releases and sanity test (with the new version number):
docker run -e VERSION=0.5.0a2 --rm -it ubuntu:20.04 bash -ec '
  apt-get -qq update && apt-get install -y python3-pip
  pip3 install tiledbsoma==${VERSION}
  python3 -c "import tiledbsoma; print(tiledbsoma.libtiledbsoma.__file__)"'

See also Debugging wheel-build issues.