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askalot edited this page Jun 1, 2012 · 3 revisions
Property Description
mod Module is the wrapper for every container object.
hd The module header generally contains a heading, but may also contain buttons, links, tabs, etc. Header provides basic structure and can be extended via skin classes. A module can have 0-1 headers.
bd The body is the main open editable region of the module. It is an obligatory region! A module can have 1-n bodies.
ft The module footer is optional. It contain content that is relevant to the body content of the module (e.g. The buttons of a pop-up, etc.)


<div class="mod">
  <div class="hd">head</div>
  <div class="bd">body</div>
  <div class="ft">body</div>

Ref: Based on the OOCSS Standard Module Format.

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