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Added some conversions ext support.
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robby-phd committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 2b4eb59 commit 07c9df0
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 4 deletions.
129 changes: 125 additions & 4 deletions shared/src/main/scala/org/sireum/anvil/Anvil.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,101 @@ object Anvil {

@record class ConversionsTransformer(val anvil: Anvil) extends MAnvilIRTransformer {
override def post_langastIRStmtBlock(o: AST.IR.Stmt.Block): MOption[AST.IR.Stmt] = {
@strictpure def isConversions(name: QName): B =
name.size > 3 && name(0) == "org" && name(1) == "sireum" && name(2) == "conversions"
var changed = F
var stmts = ISZ[AST.IR.Stmt]()
for (stmt <- o.stmts) {
stmt match {
case stmt@AST.IR.Stmt.Assign.Temp(_, rhs: AST.IR.Exp.Apply, pos) if isConversions(rhs.owner) =>
val objectOps = ops.StringOps(rhs.owner(rhs.owner.size - 1))
val idOps = ops.StringOps(
assert(rhs.args.size == 1)
val arg = rhs.args(0)
if (idOps.startsWith("toRaw")) {
val (t, mask): (AST.Typed.Name, AST.IR.Exp.Int) = anvil.typeByteSize(arg.tipe) match {
case z"1" => (AST.Typed.u8, AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.u8, 0xFF, pos))
case z"2" => (AST.Typed.u16, AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.u16, 0xFFFF, pos))
case z"4" => (AST.Typed.u32, AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.u32, 0xFFFFFFFF, pos))
case z"8" => (AST.Typed.u64, AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.u64, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, pos))
case n => halt(s"Infeasible: $n")
var r: AST.IR.Exp = AST.IR.Exp.Binary(t, AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, arg, t, pos), AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.And,
mask, pos)
if (t != rhs.tipe) {
r = AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, r, rhs.tipe.asInstanceOf[AST.Typed.Name], pos)
stmts = stmts :+ stmt(rhs = r)
} else {
objectOps.s match {
case string"String" =>
idOps.s match {
case string"toU8is" => stmts = stmts :+ stmt(rhs = rhs.args(0))
case _ => halt(s"TODO: ${stmt.prettyST.render}")
case string"ISB" => halt(s"TODO: ${stmt.prettyST.render}")
case string"MSB" => halt(s"TODO: ${stmt.prettyST.render}")
case _ =>
if (idOps.s == "toCodePoints") {
halt(s"TODO: ${stmt.prettyST.render}")
} else if (idOps.startsWith("to")) {
if (rhs.tipe == AST.Typed.z) {
stmts = stmts :+ stmt(rhs = AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, arg, AST.Typed.z, pos))
} else {
if (anvil.config.runtimeCheck) {
val ct: AST.Typed.Name = if (anvil.isSigned(arg.tipe)) AST.Typed.s64 else AST.Typed.u64
var cond: AST.IR.Exp = AST.IR.Exp.Bool(T, pos)
val (argMinOpt, argMaxOpt) = anvil.minMaxOpt(arg.tipe)
val (rMinOpt, rMaxOpt) = anvil.minMaxOpt(rhs.tipe)
(argMinOpt, rMinOpt) match {
case (_, None()) =>
case (Some(argMin), Some(rMin)) if rMin <= argMin =>
case (_, Some(rMin)) =>
arg match {
case arg: AST.IR.Exp.Int if arg.value >= rMin =>
case _ =>
var c: AST.IR.Exp = if (ct == arg.tipe) arg else AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, arg, ct, pos)
c = AST.IR.Exp.Binary(AST.Typed.b, AST.IR.Exp.Int(ct, rMin, pos), AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Le,
c, pos)
cond = c
(argMaxOpt, rMaxOpt) match {
case (_, None()) =>
case (Some(argMax), Some(rMax)) if rMax >= argMax =>
case (_, Some(rMax)) =>
arg match {
case arg: AST.IR.Exp.Int if arg.value <= rMax =>
case _ =>
var c: AST.IR.Exp = if (ct == arg.tipe) arg else AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, arg, ct, pos)
c = AST.IR.Exp.Binary(AST.Typed.b, c, AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Le,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(ct, rMax, pos), pos)
cond = if (cond.isInstanceOf[AST.IR.Exp.Bool]) c else AST.IR.Exp.Binary(AST.Typed.b, cond,
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.And, c, pos)
if (!cond.isInstanceOf[AST.IR.Exp.Bool]) {
stmts = stmts :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Assertume(F, cond, Some(AST.IR.ExpBlock(ISZ(), AST.IR.Exp.String(
st"Implicit runtime bound checking for ${(rhs.owner :+, ".")}".render, pos))), pos)
stmts = stmts :+ stmt(rhs = AST.IR.Exp.Type(F, arg, rhs.tipe.asInstanceOf[AST.Typed.Name], pos))
} else {
halt(s"TODO: $stmt")
changed = T
case _ => stmts = stmts :+ stmt
return if (changed) MSome(o(stmts = stmts)) else MNone()

@datatype class TempLV(val cfg: Graph[Z, Unit]) extends MonotonicDataflowFramework.Basic[Z] {
@strictpure def isForward: B = F
@strictpure def isLUB: B = F
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,11 +529,24 @@ import Anvil._

val mq: (AST.IR.MethodContext, AST.IR.Program, Z, HashSMap[ISZ[String], GlobalInfo]) = {
@pure def toBasic(p: AST.IR.Procedure): AST.IR.Procedure = {
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, 0, "initial"), p.prettyST)
var r = StmtFilter(this).transform_langastIRProcedure(p).getOrElse(p)
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, 1, "stmt-filter"), r.prettyST)
var pass: Z = 0
var r = p

output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, pass, "initial"), r.prettyST)
pass = pass + 1

r = ConversionsTransformer(this).transform_langastIRProcedure(p).getOrElse(p)
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, pass, "conversions"), r.prettyST)
pass = pass + 1

r = StmtFilter(this).transform_langastIRProcedure(p).getOrElse(p)
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, pass, "stmt-filter"), r.prettyST)
pass = pass + 1

r = r(body = irt.toBasic(r.body.asInstanceOf[AST.IR.Body.Block], p.pos))
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, 2, "basic"), r.prettyST)
output.add(F, irProcedurePath(, p.tipe, stage, pass, "basic"), r.prettyST)
pass = pass + 1

return r
var globals = ISZ[AST.IR.Global]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2281,6 +2389,19 @@ import Anvil._

@strictpure def signedString(t: AST.Typed): String = if (isSigned(t)) "signed" else "unsigned"

@memoize def minMaxOpt(t: AST.Typed): (Option[Z], Option[Z]) = {
if (t != AST.Typed.z) {
subZOpt(t) match {
case Some(info) =>
val minOpt: Option[Z] = if (info.ast.hasMin) Some(info.ast.min) else None()
val maxOpt: Option[Z] = if (info.ast.hasMax) Some(info.ast.max) else None()
return (minOpt, maxOpt)
case _ =>
return (None(), None())

@memoize def isSigned(t: AST.Typed): B = {
t match {
case AST.Typed.b => return F
Expand Down

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