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add logic for processing ground, BasicBlock
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ckj119940887 committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent c5b9039 commit 216f1f8
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Showing 3 changed files with 265 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jvm/src/test/scala/org/sireum/anvil/AnvilTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class AnvilTest extends SireumRcSpec {
val dir: Os.Path = Os.path(implicitly[sourcecode.File].value).up.up.up.up.up.up.up / "result"

def textResources: scala.collection.SortedMap[scala.Vector[Predef.String], Predef.String] = {
val m = $internal.RC.text(Vector("example")) { (p, _) => p.last.endsWith(".sc") }
val m = $internal.RC.text(Vector("example")) { (p, _) => p.last.endsWith("") }

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion shared/src/main/scala/org/sireum/anvil/Anvil.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ object Anvil {

object Config {
@strictpure def empty(projectName: String): Config =
Config(projectName, 512 * 1024, 64, 100, 100, HashMap.empty, HashMap.empty, F, 1, T, T, 4 * 1024)
Config(projectName, 8 * 1024, 64, 100, 100, HashMap.empty, HashMap.empty, F, 1, T, T, 4 * 1024)

@record class TempCollector(var r: HashSSet[Z]) extends AST.MIRTransformer {
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264 changes: 263 additions & 1 deletion shared/src/main/scala/org/sireum/anvil/HwSynthesizer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,14 +32,276 @@ import org.sireum.lang.symbol.TypeInfo
import org.sireum.lang.tipe.{TypeChecker, TypeHierarchy}

@datatype class HwSynthesizer(val anvil: Anvil) {

val sharedMemName: String = "arrayRegFiles"
val generalRegName: String = "generalRegFiles"
* Slang IR:
* Anvil IR Intrinsic:
def printProcedure(name: String, o: AST.IR.Procedure, globalSize: Z, maxRegisters: Z): HashSMap[ISZ[String], ST] = {
var r = HashSMap.empty[ISZ[String], ST]
r = r + ISZ(name) ~> o.prettyST
val processedProcedureST = processProcedure(name, o, maxRegisters)
r = r + ISZ(name) ~> processedProcedureST
//r = r + ISZ(name) ~> o.prettyST
return r

def processProcedure(name: String, o: AST.IR.Procedure, maxRegisters: Z): ST = {

val initialProcedureST =
|import chisel3._
|import chisel3.util._
|import chisel3.experimental._
|class ${name} (val C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH: Int = 32,
| val C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH: Int = 32,
| val ARRAY_REG_WIDTH: Int = 8,
| val ARRAY_REG_DEPTH: Int = ${anvil.config.memory},
| val GENERAL_REG_WIDTH: Int = 64,
| val GENERAL_REG_DEPTH: Int = ${maxRegisters},
| val STACK_POINTER_WIDTH: Int = ${anvil.spTypeByteSize},
| val CODE_POINTER_WIDTH: Int = ${anvil.cpTypeByteSize}) extends Module {
| val io = IO(new Bundle{
| val valid = Input(Bool())
| val ready = Output(UInt(2.W))
| val arrayRe = Input(Bool())
| val arrayWe = Input(Bool())
| val arrayStrb = Input(UInt((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8).W))
| val arrayReadAddr = Input(UInt((log2Ceil(ARRAY_REG_DEPTH)).W))
| val arrayWriteAddr = Input(UInt((log2Ceil(ARRAY_REG_DEPTH)).W))
| val arrayWData = Input(UInt(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH.W))
| val arrayRData = Output(UInt(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH.W))
| })
| // reg for share array between software and IP
| val ${sharedMemName} = Reg(Vec(1 << log2Ceil(ARRAY_REG_DEPTH), UInt(ARRAY_REG_WIDTH.W)))
| // reg for general purpose
| val ${generalRegName} = Reg(Vec(1 << log2Ceil(GENERAL_REG_DEPTH), UInt(GENERAL_REG_WIDTH.W)))
| // reg for code pointer
| val CP = RegInit(1.U(CODE_POINTER_WIDTH.W))
| // reg for stack pointer
| val SP = RegInit(0.S(STACK_POINTER_WIDTH.W))
| // write operation
| for(byteIndex <- 0 until (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)) {
| when(io.arrayWe & (io.arrayStrb(byteIndex.U) === 1.U)) {
| ${sharedMemName}(io.arrayWriteAddr + byteIndex.U) := io.arrayWData((byteIndex * 8) + 7, byteIndex * 8)
| }
| }
| // read operation
| io.arrayRData := Mux(io.arrayRe, Cat(${sharedMemName}(io.arrayReadAddr + 3.U),
| ${sharedMemName}(io.arrayReadAddr + 2.U),
| ${sharedMemName}(io.arrayReadAddr + 1.U),
| ${sharedMemName}(io.arrayReadAddr + 0.U)), 0.U)
| io.ready := Mux(CP === 0.U, 0.U, Mux(CP === 1.U, 1.U, 2.U))

val finialProcedureST = st"""
| }

val basicBlockST = processBasicBlock(o.body.asInstanceOf[AST.IR.Body.Basic].blocks)

var procedureST = ISZ[ST]()
procedureST = procedureST :+ initialProcedureST :+ basicBlockST :+ finialProcedureST


return st"""

def processBasicBlock(bs: ISZ[AST.IR.BasicBlock]): ST = {
var basicBlockST = ISZ[ST]()
val initialBasicBlockST: ST =
| switch(CP) {
| is(2.U) {
| CP := Mux(io.valid, 3.U, CP)
| }
val finalBasicBlockST: ST =
| }

basicBlockST = basicBlockST :+ initialBasicBlockST

for (b <- bs) {
basicBlockST = basicBlockST :+
st" is(${b.label}.U){\n"

basicBlockST = basicBlockST :+ processGround(b.grounds)

basicBlockST = basicBlockST :+
st" }\n"

basicBlockST = basicBlockST :+ finalBasicBlockST

return st"""
|${(basicBlockST, "")}

def processGround(gs: ISZ[AST.IR.Stmt.Ground]): ST = {
var groundST = ISZ[ST]()

for(g <- gs) {
g match {
case g: AST.IR.Stmt.Assign => {
groundST = groundST :+ processStmtAssign(g)
case g: AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic => {

case _ => {


return st"""
| ${(groundST, "")}"""

def processStmtAssign(a: AST.IR.Stmt.Assign): ST = {
var assignST: ST = st""

def isIntrinsicLoad(a: AST.IR.Exp): B = a match {
case AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(intrinsic: Intrinsic.Load) => T
case _ => F

a match {
case a: AST.IR.Stmt.Assign.Temp => {
val regNo = a.lhs
val rhsST = processExpr(a.rhs)
if(isIntrinsicLoad(a.rhs)) {
assignST =
|${generalRegName}(${regNo}.U) := Cat{
| ${rhsST.render}
} else {
assignST =
|${generalRegName}(${regNo}.U) := ${rhsST.render}
case _ => {
halt(s"processStmtAssign unimplemented")

return assignST

def isBoolType(t: AST.Typed): B = t == AST.Typed.b
def is1BitVector(t: AST.Typed): B = anvil.subZOpt(t) match {
case Some(info) => info.ast.isBitVector && info.ast.bitWidth == 1
case _ => F

def processExpr(exp: AST.IR.Exp): ST = {
var exprST = ISZ[ST]()
exp match {
case AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(intrinsic: Intrinsic.Load) => {
val rhsExpr = processExpr(intrinsic.rhsOffset)
for(i <- intrinsic.bytes-1 to 0 by -1) {
if(i == 0) {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${sharedMemName}((${rhsExpr.render} + ${i}.U).asUInt)"
} else {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${sharedMemName}((${rhsExpr.render} + ${i}.U).asUInt),"
case exp: AST.IR.Exp.Temp => {
val indexPostfix = if(anvil.isSigned(exp.tipe)) ".asUInt" else ".U"
exprST = exprST :+ st"${generalRegName}(${exp.n}${indexPostfix})"
case exp: AST.IR.Exp.Int => {
val valuePostfix = if(anvil.isSigned(exp.tipe)) "S" else "U"
exprST = exprST :+ st"${exp.value}.${valuePostfix}"
case exp: AST.IR.Exp.Binary => {
val leftST = processExpr(exp.left)
val rightST = processExpr(exp.right)
exp.op match {
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Add => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} + ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Sub => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} - ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Mul => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} * ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Div => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} / ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Rem => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} % ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.And => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} & ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Or => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} | ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Xor => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} ^ ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.CondAnd => {
if(isBoolType(exp.tipe)) {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} && ${rightST.render}"
} else if(is1BitVector(exp.tipe)) {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render}.asBool && ${rightST.render}.asBool"
} else {
halt(s"processExpr, you got an error about Op.CondAnd")
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.CondOr => {
if(isBoolType(exp.tipe)) {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} || ${rightST.render}"
} else if(is1BitVector(exp.tipe)) {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render}.asBool || ${rightST.render}.asBool"
} else {
halt(s"processExpr, you got an error about Op.CondOr")
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Eq => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} === ${rightST.render}"
case AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Ne => {
exprST = exprST :+ st"${leftST.render} =/= ${rightST.render}"
case _ => {
halt(s"processExpr AST.IR.Exp.Binary unimplemented")
case _ => {
halt(s"processExpr unimplemented, ${exp.prettyST.render}")

return st"""
|${(exprST, "")}

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