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Added parameter info and stack trace memory allocation.
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robby-phd committed Mar 7, 2025
1 parent ef50eee commit 86e69db
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 75 deletions.
186 changes: 111 additions & 75 deletions shared/src/main/scala/org/sireum/anvil/Anvil.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,12 +68,14 @@ object Anvil {

@datatype class GlobalInfo(val isScalar: B,
val offset: Z,
val size: Z,
val dataSize: Z,
val tipe: AST.Typed,
val pos: message.Position)
@datatype class VarInfo(val isScalar: B,
val offset: Z,
val size: Z,
val dataSize: Z,
val tipe: AST.Typed,
val pos: message.Position) {
@strictpure def totalSize: Z = size + dataSize

@record class TempExpSubstitutor(val substMap: HashMap[Z, AST.IR.Exp], val haltOnNoMapping: B) extends MAnvilIRTransformer {
override def post_langastIRExpTemp(o: AST.IR.Exp.Temp): MOption[AST.IR.Exp] = {
Expand All @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ object Anvil {

@record class OffsetSubsitutor(val anvil: Anvil,
val localOffsetMap: HashMap[String, Z],
val globalMap: HashSMap[QName, GlobalInfo]) extends MAnvilIRTransformer {
val globalMap: HashSMap[QName, VarInfo]) extends MAnvilIRTransformer {
override def post_langastIRExpLocalVarRef(o: AST.IR.Exp.LocalVarRef): MOption[AST.IR.Exp] = {
val localOffset = localOffsetMap.get(
val t: AST.Typed = if (anvil.isScalar(o.tipe)) o.tipe else anvil.spType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,8 +531,15 @@ object Anvil {
val resultLocalId: String = "$res"
val constructLocalId: String = "$new"
val typeFieldId: String = "$type"
val sizeFieldId: String = "$size"
val sfCallerId: String = "$sfCaller"
val sfLocId: String = "$sfLoc"
val sfDescId: String = "$sfDesc"
val sfLocType: AST.Typed.Name = AST.Typed.u32
val objInitId: String = "<objinit>"
val newInitId: String = "<init>"
val memTypeName: ISZ[String] = ISZ(typeFieldId)
val memSizeName: ISZ[String] = ISZ(sizeFieldId)
val displayId: String = "$display"
val displayName: ISZ[String] = ISZ(displayId)
val displayIndexType: AST.Typed.Name = AST.Typed.Name(ISZ("org", "sireum", "anvil", "PrinterIndex", "U"), ISZ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,6 +601,7 @@ import Anvil._
r = r - u"1"
val memType: AST.Typed.Name = AST.Typed.Name(AST.Typed.msName, ISZ(AST.Typed.Name(ISZ(s"${config.memory}"), ISZ()), AST.Typed.u8))

val spTypeByteSize: Z = {
val n = computeBitwidth(config.memory) + 1
Expand All @@ -615,7 +625,7 @@ import Anvil._

var stage: Z = 0

val mq: (AST.IR.MethodContext, AST.IR.Program, Z, HashSMap[ISZ[String], GlobalInfo]) = {
val mq: (AST.IR.MethodContext, AST.IR.Program, Z, HashSMap[ISZ[String], VarInfo]) = {
var globals = ISZ[AST.IR.Global]()
var procedures = ISZ[AST.IR.Procedure]()
var globalSize: Z = 0
Expand All @@ -641,6 +651,10 @@ import Anvil._
Some(AST.Body(stmts, ISZ())))
if (config.stackTrace) {
globals = globals :+ AST.IR.Global(typeShaType, memTypeName, mainOpt.get.pos)
globals = globals :+ AST.IR.Global(AST.Typed.z, memSizeName, mainOpt.get.pos)
if (config.shouldPrint) {
globals = globals :+ AST.IR.Global(displayType, displayName, mainOpt.get.pos)
for (id <- printTypeMap.keys) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,15 +688,15 @@ import Anvil._
AST.IR.Stmt.Assign.Global(owner, AST.Typed.b, AST.IR.Exp.Bool(T, pos), pos) +: body.block.stmts))
procedures = procedures :+ objInit(body = body)
var globalMap = HashSMap.empty[ISZ[String], GlobalInfo]
var globalMap = HashSMap.empty[ISZ[String], VarInfo]
val spSize = typeByteSize(spType)
for (g <- globals) {
val size = typeByteSize(g.tipe)
if (!isScalar(g.tipe)) {
globalMap = globalMap + ~> GlobalInfo(F, globalSize, spSize, size, g.tipe, g.pos)
globalMap = globalMap + ~> VarInfo(F, globalSize, spSize, size, g.tipe, g.pos)
globalSize = globalSize + spSize
} else {
globalMap = globalMap + ~> GlobalInfo(T, globalSize, size, 0, g.tipe, g.pos)
globalMap = globalMap + ~> VarInfo(T, globalSize, size, 0, g.tipe, g.pos)
globalSize = globalSize + size
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -809,35 +823,19 @@ import Anvil._

val header: ST = {
var offset: Z = anvil.typeByteSize(cpType)
val resOpt: Option[ST] =
if (main.tipe.ret != AST.Typed.unit) {
offset = offset + anvil.typeByteSize(spType) + anvil.typeByteSize(main.tipe.ret)
st"- $$res (*(SP + ${anvil.typeByteSize(cpType)})) = ${globalSize + anvil.typeByteSize(cpType) + anvil.typeByteSize(spType)} (${anvil.signedString(spType)}, size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(spType)}, data-size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(main.tipe.ret)})")
} else {
var globalParamSTs = ISZ[ST]()
for (entry <- anvil.procedureParamInfo(T, main)._2.entries) {
globalParamSTs = globalParamSTs :+ st"- parameter ${entry._1}: ${entry._2.tipe} @[offset = ${entry._2.offset}, size = ${entry._2.size}, data-size = ${entry._2.dataSize}]"
for (pair <- globalMap.entries) {
val (name, info) = pair
globalParamSTs = globalParamSTs :+ st"- global ${(name, ".")}: ${info.tipe} @[offset = ${info.offset}, size = ${info.size}, data-size = ${info.dataSize}]"
for (param <- ops.ISZOps(main.paramNames).zip(main.tipe.args)) {
if (!isScalar(param._2)) {
globalParamSTs = globalParamSTs :+ st"- for parameter ${param._1}: *(SP + $offset) = ${globalSize + offset + anvil.typeByteSize(spType)} (${if (anvil.isSigned(spType)) "signed" else "unsigned"}, size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(spType)}, data-size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(param._2)})"
offset = offset + anvil.typeByteSize(spType) + anvil.typeByteSize(param._2)
} else {
offset = offset + anvil.typeByteSize(param._2)
| Note that globalSize = $globalSize, max registers (beside SP and CP) = $maxRegisters, and initially:
| - register CP (code pointer) = 2 (${anvil.signedString(cpType)}, byte size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(cpType)})
| - register CP (code pointer) = 3 (${anvil.signedString(cpType)}, byte size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(cpType)})
| - register SP (stack pointer) = $globalSize (${anvil.signedString(spType)}, byte size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(spType)})
| - register DP (display pointer) = 0 (${anvil.signedString(dpType)}, byte size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(dpType)})
| - $$ret (*SP) = 0 (signed, byte size = ${anvil.typeByteSize(cpType)})
| $resOpt
| ${(globalParamSTs, "\n")}
| Also note that IS/MS bytearray consists of:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1349,47 +1347,45 @@ import Anvil._
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.RegisterAssign(T, T,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, spAdd + numOfRegisters * 8, e.pos), e.pos))

var offset: Z = 0
val isMain = called.owner == owner && == id
val paramInfo = procedureParamInfo(isMain, called)._2

val returnInfo = paramInfo.get(returnLocalId).get
var locals = ISZ[Intrinsic.Decl.Local](
Intrinsic.Decl.Local(offset, typeByteSize(cpType), returnLocalId, cpType)
Intrinsic.Decl.Local(returnInfo.offset, returnInfo.totalSize, returnLocalId, returnInfo.tipe)
offset = offset + typeByteSize(cpType)
val isMain = called.owner == owner && == id
if (p.tipe.ret != AST.Typed.unit) {
val size: Z = if (isMain) typeByteSize(spType) + typeByteSize(p.tipe.ret) else typeByteSize(spType)
locals = locals :+ Intrinsic.Decl.Local(offset, size, resultLocalId, spType)
offset = offset + size
if (called.tipe.ret != AST.Typed.unit) {
val resultInfo = paramInfo.get(resultLocalId).get
locals = locals :+ Intrinsic.Decl.Local(resultInfo.offset, resultInfo.totalSize, resultLocalId,
var paramOffsetMap = HashMap.empty[String, Z]
for (param <- ops.ISZOps(called.paramNames).zip(called.tipe.args)) {
paramOffsetMap = paramOffsetMap + param._1 ~> offset
val size: Z =
if (isScalar(param._2)) typeByteSize(param._2)
else if (isMain) typeByteSize(spType) + typeByteSize(param._2) else typeByteSize(spType)
locals = locals :+ Intrinsic.Decl.Local(offset, size, param._1, param._2)
offset = offset + size
val info = paramInfo.get(param._1).get
locals = locals :+ Intrinsic.Decl.Local(info.offset, info.totalSize, param._1, param._2)
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Decl(F, F, locals, e.pos))
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Register(T, spType, e.pos)),
T, typeByteSize(cpType), AST.IR.Exp.Int(cpType, label, e.pos), st"$returnLocalId@0 = $label", cpType, e.pos
isSigned(returnInfo.tipe), returnInfo.totalSize,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(returnInfo.tipe, label, e.pos), st"$returnLocalId@0 = $label", returnInfo.tipe, e.pos
if (called.tipe.ret != AST.Typed.unit) {
val resultInfo = paramInfo.get(resultLocalId).get
val n = callResultOffsetMap.get(callResultId(, e.pos)).get - (spAdd + numOfRegisters * 8)
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Binary(spType, AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Register(T, spType, e.pos)),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Add, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, typeByteSize(cpType), e.pos), e.pos),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Add, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, resultInfo.offset, e.pos), e.pos),
isSigned(spType), typeByteSize(spType),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary(spType, AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Register(T, spType, e.pos)),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Sub, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, -n, e.pos), e.pos),
st"$resultLocalId@${typeByteSize(cpType)} = $n", spType, e.pos))
st"$resultLocalId@${resultInfo.offset} = $n", spType, e.pos))
for (param <- ops.ISZOps(ops.ISZOps(called.paramNames).zip(mc.t.args)).zip(e.args)) {
val ((pid, pt), parg) = param
val t: AST.Typed = if (isScalar(pt)) pt else spType
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Binary(spType, AST.IR.Exp.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Register(T, spType, e.pos)),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Add, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, paramOffsetMap.get(pid).get, e.pos), e.pos),
AST.IR.Exp.Binary.Op.Add, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, paramInfo.get(pid).get.offset, e.pos), e.pos),
isSigned(t), typeByteSize(t), parg, st"$pid = ${parg.prettyST}", t, parg.pos))
var rgrounds = ISZ[AST.IR.Stmt.Ground]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1669,35 +1665,63 @@ import Anvil._
return TempRenumberer(tempMap).transform_langastIRProcedure(proc).getOrElse(proc)

def transformOffset(globalMap: HashSMap[ISZ[String], GlobalInfo],
proc: AST.IR.Procedure): (Z, AST.IR.Procedure, HashMap[String, Z]) = {
val body = proc.body.asInstanceOf[AST.IR.Body.Basic]
val blocks = body.blocks
var blockMap: HashSMap[Z, AST.IR.BasicBlock] = HashSMap ++ (for (b <- blocks) yield (b.label, b))
var blockLocalOffsetMap = HashMap.empty[Z, (Z, HashMap[String, Z])]
var callResultIdOffsetMap = HashMap.empty[String, Z]
val isMain = proc.context.owner == owner && == id
var maxOffset: Z = typeByteSize(cpType)
def procedureParamInfo(isMain: B, proc: AST.IR.Procedure): (Z, HashSMap[String, VarInfo]) = {
var m = HashSMap.empty[String, VarInfo]
var maxOffset: Z = 0
m = m + returnLocalId ~> VarInfo(isScalar(cpType), maxOffset, typeByteSize(cpType), 0, cpType, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(cpType)

if (proc.tipe.ret != AST.Typed.unit) {
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(spType)
if (isMain) {
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(proc.tipe.ret)
val dataSize: Z = if (isMain) typeByteSize(proc.tipe.ret) else 0
val size = typeByteSize(spType)
m = m + resultLocalId ~> VarInfo(isScalar(spType), maxOffset, size, dataSize, spType, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + size + dataSize

if (config.stackTrace) {
var uri = proc.pos.uriOpt.get
val i = ops.StringOps(uri).lastIndexOf('/')
if (i >= 0) {
uri = ops.StringOps(uri).substring(i + 1, uri.size)
val mdesc = st"${(proc.owner :+, ".")} ($uri".render

m = m + sfCallerId ~> VarInfo(isScalar(spType), maxOffset, typeByteSize(spType), 0, spType, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(spType)

m = m + sfLocId ~> VarInfo(isScalar(sfLocType), maxOffset, typeByteSize(sfLocType), 0, sfLocType, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(sfLocType)

val mdescType = AST.Typed.Name(AST.Typed.isName, ISZ(AST.Typed.Name(ISZ(s"${mdesc.size}"), ISZ()), AST.Typed.u8))
m = m + sfDescId ~> VarInfo(isScalar(mdescType), maxOffset, typeByteSize(mdescType), 0, mdescType, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(mdescType)

var m = HashMap.empty[String, Z]
var offset: Z = maxOffset
for (param <- ops.ISZOps(proc.paramNames).zip(proc.tipe.args)) {
val (id, t) = param
m = m + id ~> offset
val size: Z =
if (isScalar(t)) typeByteSize(t)
else if (isMain) typeByteSize(spType) + typeByteSize(t) else typeByteSize(spType)
offset = offset + size
val dataSize: Z = if (isMain) typeByteSize(t) else 0
val size: Z = if (isScalar(t)) typeByteSize(t) else typeByteSize(spType)
m = m + id ~> VarInfo(isScalar(t), maxOffset, size, dataSize, t, proc.pos)
maxOffset = maxOffset + typeByteSize(spType) + dataSize
blockLocalOffsetMap = blockLocalOffsetMap + blocks(0).label ~> (offset, m)
maxOffset = offset

return (maxOffset, m)

def transformOffset(globalMap: HashSMap[ISZ[String], VarInfo],
proc: AST.IR.Procedure): (Z, AST.IR.Procedure, HashMap[String, Z]) = {
val body = proc.body.asInstanceOf[AST.IR.Body.Basic]
val blocks = body.blocks
var blockMap: HashSMap[Z, AST.IR.BasicBlock] = HashSMap ++ (for (b <- blocks) yield (b.label, b))
var blockLocalOffsetMap = HashMap.empty[Z, (Z, HashMap[String, Z])]
var callResultIdOffsetMap = HashMap.empty[String, Z]
val isMain = proc.context.owner == owner && == id
val offsetParamInfo = procedureParamInfo(isMain, proc)
var maxOffset = offsetParamInfo._1
blockLocalOffsetMap = blockLocalOffsetMap + blocks(0).label ~> (maxOffset, HashMap.empty[String, Z] ++
(for (entry <- offsetParamInfo._2.entries) yield (entry._1, entry._2.offset)))
var work = ISZ(blocks(0))
while (work.nonEmpty) {
var next = ISZ[AST.IR.BasicBlock]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2254,20 +2278,32 @@ import Anvil._
return p(body = body(blocks = blocks))

def transformMain(fresh: lang.IRTranslator.Fresh, p: AST.IR.Procedure, globalSize: Z, globalMap: HashSMap[QName, GlobalInfo]): AST.IR.Procedure = {
def transformMain(fresh: lang.IRTranslator.Fresh, p: AST.IR.Procedure, globalSize: Z, globalMap: HashSMap[QName, VarInfo]): AST.IR.Procedure = {
val body = p.body.asInstanceOf[AST.IR.Body.Basic]
var grounds = ISZ[AST.IR.Stmt.Ground](
AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.RegisterAssign(T, F, AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, globalSize, p.pos), p.pos))
if (config.stackTrace) {
val memTypeInfo = globalMap.get(memTypeName).get
val memSizeInfo = globalMap.get(memSizeName).get
val sha3t = sha3Type(memType)
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Int(typeShaType, memTypeInfo.offset, p.pos), isSigned(typeShaType), typeShaSize,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(typeShaType, sha3t.toZ, p.pos), st"memory $typeFieldId ($memType: 0x$sha3t)", typeShaType, p.pos))
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, memSizeInfo.offset, p.pos),
isSigned(AST.Typed.z), typeByteSize(AST.Typed.z),
AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.z, config.memory, p.pos), st"memory $sizeFieldId", AST.Typed.z, p.pos))
if (config.shouldPrint) {
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.RegisterAssign(F, F, AST.IR.Exp.Int(dpType, 0, p.pos), p.pos))
val display = globalMap.get(displayName).get
val displayInfo = globalMap.get(displayName).get
val sha3t = sha3Type(displayType)
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Int(typeShaType, display.offset + typeByteSize(spType), p.pos), isSigned(typeShaType), typeShaSize,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(typeShaType, displayInfo.offset + typeByteSize(spType), p.pos), isSigned(typeShaType), typeShaSize,
AST.IR.Exp.Int(typeShaType, sha3t.toZ, p.pos), st"$displayId.$typeFieldId ($displayType: 0x$sha3t)", typeShaType, p.pos))
grounds = grounds :+ AST.IR.Stmt.Intrinsic(Intrinsic.Store(
AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, display.offset + typeByteSize(spType) + typeByteSize(typeShaType), p.pos),
AST.IR.Exp.Int(spType, displayInfo.offset + typeByteSize(spType) + typeByteSize(typeShaType), p.pos),
isSigned(AST.Typed.z), typeByteSize(AST.Typed.z),
AST.IR.Exp.Int(AST.Typed.z, dpMask + 1, p.pos), st"$displayId.size", AST.Typed.z, p.pos))
Expand Down

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