Differences from DusteDdk/dstream
- docker free
- systemd slaved
- prettier
- simple access to your music collection from the web browser
- fast fuzzy search
- for semi-organized music collections
- sqlite database
- single active process (node)
- halfhearted hack
- pure vanilla js with old-school innerHTML mangling
- music collection available on the server
- listens on port 3000
- consider not exposing it to the internet without some authentication in front
npm install
mkdir db # this is for the music metadata
mkdir music # this is for the music files / collection
npm start
cp dstream.service /etc/systemd/system/
For loading environment variables for development direnv is used.
Add music files from the /music directory to the searchable database
- go to /scan
- click "Scan" and wait.. press refresh if you're impatient,
- it's done with "Scan" appears again, go back, you're done.
- press J or click text-box
- search
- press enter to play top result or add from results
- press song-name / file name to add to queue
- click row left of it to autoplay from there if song is last in queue.
- click row right of it to remove currently playing song and play this instead.
- click on file name to remove a song from queue
- pressing the "insert" key removes the current song from queue
- press the H key to show or hide the instructions