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- Java, SpringBoot
- Postgres, jOOQ, FlywayDb
- Spring Security
- Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, jQuery
- JUnit 5, Testcontainers
Install Java, Maven using SDKMAN
$ curl -s "" | bash $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/" $ sdk version $ sdk env install $ java -version $ mvn --version
Install Docker
Follow for installing Docker for your OS.
$ ./mvnw verify
$ ./mvnw spotless:apply // to formatting code automatically
$ ./mvnw spotless:check // to verify the code formatting
If you want to start the required services (database, mail server) using docker-compose and run the application locally:
$ ./ start_infra
$ ./mvnw -pl techbuzz spring-boot:run
Instead, you can simply run ./mvnw -pl techbuzz spring-boot:test-run
which will automatically spin up the required services
as docker containers using Testcontainers and starts the application.
$ ./ start
- App: http://localhost:8080/
- MailHog: http://localhost:8025/
Make sure the application is running and configure correct values in src/test/resources/config.json
$ ./mvnw -pl e2e-tests test -DskipTests=false
$ ./mvnw -pl gatling-tests gatling:test
Task is a CLI utility to automate running common tasks.
$ task format
$ task test
$ task build_image
$ task start_infra
$ task stop_infra
$ task start
$ task stop_infra
$ task restart
- If you find this project interesting, fork/clone it, run the application and provide feedback.
- If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, then please file an issue.
- Of course, Pull Requests are most welcome.