An installer script to automate a "Perfect Debian Server" for ISPConfig according to till's instructions here:
Detailed installation steps at
Install a basic debian system
Install git: apt-get install git
Clone this repository: git clone
Go into the perfectDebian folder: cd perfectDebian
Run the script: ./
--> it will create a "config.conf" file in the same location as the installer script.
Set according vars in the config.conf script
Run the script again: ./
This script is soley aimed to install ISPConfig, Roundcube and Horde on Debian Stretch
This script supports only 1 ethernet device and only 1 static IPv4 address -> if you have more devices and IPs, configure them after running
This script assumes that quota is only to be enabled on the root-partition. If you have multiple partitions you need to manually alter the fstab entry