This is a plugin for jQuery flot, to create chart as stacked percentage.
This plugin is based on another plugin jQuery.flot.stack.js
which can be found on
Option to enable stackpercent:
series: {
stackpercent: true
Here is a basic example's javascript code:
$(function () {
var data = [
{"label":"Apple", "data": [[1,12], [2, 10], [3,2], [4,5], [5, 9], [6,11]], "color":"#B41722"},
{"label":"Samsang", "data":[[1,11], [2, 3], [3,8], [4,1], [5, 2], [6,17]], "color":"#E78800"},
{"label":"HTC", "data":[[1,10], [2, 6], [3,5], [4,3], [5, 12], [6,19]], "color":"#83BA4F"}
var options = {
series: {
stackpercent : true, // enable stackpercent
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 0.6,
fillColor: {
colors:[{opacity: 1},{opacity: 1}]
align: "center"
legend : {
container : "#legends",
noColumns : 3
xaxis: {tickSize : 1},
yaxis: {max:100} // so the yaxis is from 0 to 100
$.plot($("#placeholder"), data, options);
It will create a chart like this:
And it can be horizontal:
You can disable a series's stackpercent by setting its own stackpercent : null
, so you can display other type of charts with it.
You may need to set options yaxis:{max:100}
to make the yaxis is 0-100.
It can work with another plugin called flot.tooltip to easily show y value, percentage and x value.
See and try examples yourself.
jquery.flot.stackpercent is available under the MIT license.