- Processing
- The Processing language reference
- Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
- The Nature of Code
- Eclipse
- The Java Tutorial from Oracle
- Games Fleadh
- The Imagine Cup
- Labs
- Assignments
- The git manual - read the first three chapters
- A video tutorial all about git/github
- [Matrix with Exceptions](Java Examples/MatrixWithExceptions)
- Performance of Hashmaps vs arrays vs ArrayLists in Java
- Getting started with Eclipse
- The Eclipse FAQ
- Introduction to digital audio
- All about the Minim library in processing
- Using Eclipse with Processing
- The audio visualiser program we wrote in the class & tutorial.
- All about the Levenshtein Distance algorithm
- Lab 5
- [Solution to Lab 5 - Levenshtein Distance implemented in Java](Java Examples/EditDistance)
- The Java program we have been looking at that checks out assignment submissions from git. The questions branch has all the questions we looked at in the class
- Anonymous classes in Java
- Anonymous inner classes in Java
- Interfaces in Java
- Exceptions in Java
- Lab 4
- Lab 3
- All about Matrices
- [Matrix Work in Progress code](../Java Examples/MatrixWIP)
- Matrix multiplication
- Stackoverflow question about static in java
- Lab 2
- Introduction to Java
- [Matrix Work in Progress code](../Java Examples/MatrixWIP)
- [Collision detection in Processing](Processing Examples/CollisionDetection)
- The Git manual (you need to read this)
- The Simon Game
- Simon game sounds
- Simon Work in Progress code
- Primitive type wrappers in Java
- A StackOverflow question on Primitive Type Wrappers
- For next week you need to install:
- Lab 1
- [Solution to the lab test](Processing Examples/ExpensesProcessing)
- This video didn't come out very well, so Im not putting it online!
- A cool video from Daniel Shiffman about Polymorphism
- [The code we wrote in the class](Processing Examples/SpaceWarsWIP)
- Inheritance & polymorphism in Processing examples from the book
- ArrayList in Processing
- Lab 8
- Polymorphism in Processing tutorial video also games jams and things!
- Objects and classes in Processing lecture
- Objects & classes in Processing
- Spacewar from 1962
- An interview with Steve Russell the games inventor
- Another Spacewar video
- [The code we wrote in the class](Processing Examples/SpaceWarsWIP)
- Lab 7
- [Lab 7 Solution](Processing Examples/StarSketch)
- No lecture this week
- All about the Appys
- Apply for the Appcademy here
- [The Game of Life fixed](Processing Examples/Life)
- Top health & fitness apps
- John Conway talks about the Game of Life Video
- Creationism museum video
- [The Processing sketch for the Game of Life we wrote in the class. This has a bug!](Processing Examples/Life)
- Lab 6
- My implementation of the Game of Life in Pascal from 1991
- Datasets & arrays in processing video
- [Tunepal data for the class](Processing Examples/TunepalData)
- [Arrays in Processing sketch](Processing Examples/Arrays)
- Lab 5
- [Lab 5 Solution](Processing Examples/Lab5Solution)
- Lecture video on solving trigonometry in processing. Also decimal to binary and binary to decimal conversion
- [Decimal to binary and binary to decimal sketch](Processing Examples/BinaryToDecimal)
- [Trigonometry sketch](Processing Examples/KiteTriangleProblem)
- Lab 4
- [Lab 4 Solution](Processing Examples/Lab4Solution)
- All about the assignment
- Tutorial video - All about the assignment & the solution to the lab
- Geometric patterns in everyday objects pictures
- [Circles on a circle sketch](Processing Examples/PointsOnCircle)
- [Spirals sketch](Processing Examples/Spirals)
- [More Spirals sketch. Try watching the sketch for a while and then look at some code on your screen. WARNING! Do not look at this sketch if you suffer from epilepsy](Processing Examples/MoreSpirals)
- Submit your sketches through webcourses
- Trigonometry & the Unit Circle on the Khan Academy
- Maths is Fun Trigonometry
- Lab 3
- Data types, the if statement and dynamic sketches in Processing Video
- [Data types in Processing sketch](Processing Examples/Data_types)
- [4 Quadrants in Processing sketch](Processing Examples/Quadrants)
- Lab 2