A custom panels package for those Nova resources with lots of relationships and/or fields.
Grab the package using Composer
composer require skorelabs/nova-panels
Add this to your resource's fields method:
TabbedPanel::make(__('TabbedPanel'), [
'FirstTab' => [
Text::make(__('Name'), 'name'),
BelongsTo::make(__('Author'), 'author', User::class),
And remember to import the class SkoreLabs\NovaPanels\TabbedPanel
More coming soon, remember that this is a pre-released package...
This and all of our Laravel packages follows as much as possibly can the LTS support of Laravel.
Read more: https://laravel.com/docs/master/releases#support-policy
- @eminiarts packages: nova-relationship-selector & nova-tabs
- Ruben Robles (@d8vjork)
- Skore (https://www.getskore.com/)
- And all the contributors