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@skuep skuep released this 18 Sep 11:56
· 15 commits to master since this release

Still a pre-release due to the need for testing stuff. The following was changed:

  • Increased serial buffer size due to issues with some radios (#56)
  • Implemented hardware logic input capability for use in e.g. hardware COS scenarios. Currently, this is mostly relevant for people using their own hardware and people using the K1 AIOC version 1.1 hardware (hidden away in this branch:
  • Fixed/Overhauled the HID configuration interface due to issues on Windows platforms running the Python scripts. Note that all current scripts will not work anymore. Use this adapted script as an example on how to change stuff.

Updated Python Script

import sys
import hid
from struct import Struct
from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag

class Register(IntEnum):
    MAGIC = 0x00
    USBID = 0x08
    AIOC_IOMUX0 = 0x24
    AIOC_IOMUX1 = 0x25
    CM108_IOMUX0 = 0x44
    CM108_IOMUX1 = 0x45
    CM108_IOMUX2 = 0x46
    CM108_IOMUX3 = 0x47
    SERIAL_CTRL = 0x60
    SERIAL_IOMUX0 = 0x64
    SERIAL_IOMUX1 = 0x65
    SERIAL_IOMUX2 = 0x66
    SERIAL_IOMUX3 = 0x67
    VPTT_LVLCTRL = 0x82
    VPTT_TIMCTRL = 0x84
    VCOS_LVLCTRL = 0x92
    VCOS_TIMCTRL = 0x94

class Command(IntFlag):
    NONE = 0x00
    WRITESTROBE = 0x01
    DEFAULTS = 0x10
    RECALL = 0x40
    STORE = 0x80

class PTTSource(IntFlag):
    NONE = 0x00000000
    CM108GPIO1 = 0x00000001
    CM108GPIO2 = 0x00000002
    CM108GPIO3 = 0x00000004
    CM108GPIO4 = 0x00000008
    SERIALDTR = 0x00000100
    SERIALRTS = 0x00000200
    SERIALDTRNRTS = 0x00000400
    SERIALNDTRRTS = 0x00000800
    VPTT = 0x00001000

class CM108ButtonSource(IntFlag):
    NONE = 0x00000000
    IN1 =  0x00010000
    IN2 =  0x00020000
    VCOS = 0x01000000

def read(device, address):
    # Set address and read
    request = Struct('<BBBL').pack(0, Command.NONE, address, 0x00000000)
    data = device.get_feature_report(0, 7)
    _, _, _, value = Struct('<BBBL').unpack(data)
    return value

def write(device, address, value):
    data = Struct('<BBBL').pack(0, Command.WRITESTROBE, address, value)

def cmd(device, cmd):
    data = Struct('<BBBL').pack(0, cmd, 0x00, 0x00000000)

def dump(device):
    for r in Register:
        print(f'Reg. {r.value:02x}: {read(device, r.value):08x}')

aioc = hid.Device(vid=0x1209, pid=0x7388)

magic = Struct("<L").pack(read(aioc, Register.MAGIC))

if (magic != b'AIOC'):
    print(f'Unexpected magic: {magic}')

print(f'Manufacturer: {aioc.manufacturer}')
print(f'Product: {aioc.product}')
print(f'Serial No: {aioc.serial}')
print(f'Magic: {magic}')

if False:
    # Load the hardware defaults
    print(f'Loading Defaults...')
    cmd(aioc, Command.DEFAULTS)

if False:
    # Dump all known registers

ptt1_source = PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX0))
ptt2_source = PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX1))

print(f'Current PTT1 Source: {str(ptt1_source)}')
print(f'Current PTT2 Source: {str(ptt2_source)}')

btn1_source = CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX0))
btn2_source = CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX1))
btn3_source = CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX2))
btn4_source = CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX3))

print(f'Current CM108 Button 1 (VolUP) Source: {str(btn1_source)}')
print(f'Current CM108 Button 2 (VolDN) Source: {str(btn2_source)}')
print(f'Current CM108 Button 3 (PlbMute) Source: {str(btn3_source)}')
print(f'Current CM108 Button 4 (RecMute) Source: {str(btn4_source)}')

if False:
    # Swap PTT1/PTT2
    ptt1_source, ptt2_source = ptt2_source, ptt1_source
    print(f'Setting PTT1 Source to {str(ptt1_source)}')
    write(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX0, ptt1_source)
    print(f'Setting PTT2 Source to {str(ptt2_source)}')
    write(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX1, ptt2_source)

    print(f'Now PTT1 Source: {str(PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX0)))}')
    print(f'Now PTT2 Source: {str(PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX1)))}')

if False:
    # Set to AutoPTT on PTT1
    print(f'Setting PTT1 Source to {str(PTTSource.VPTT)}')
    write(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX0, PTTSource.VPTT)
    print(f'Now PTT1 Source: {str(PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX0)))}')
    print(f'Now PTT2 Source: {str(PTTSource(read(aioc, Register.AIOC_IOMUX1)))}')

if False:
    # Set USB VID and PID (use with caution. Will need changes above to be able to re-configure the AIOC)
    write(aioc, Register.USBID, (0x1209 << 0) | (0x7388 << 16))
    print(f'Now USBID: {read(aioc, Register.USBID):08x}')

if False:
   # Set Volume Button Down to IN2 for HWCOS instead of VCOS and set Volume Up to NONE
   print(f'Setting VolUP button source to {str(CM108ButtonSource.NONE)}')
   print(f'Setting VolDN button source to {str(CM108ButtonSource.IN2)}')
   write(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX0, CM108ButtonSource.NONE)
   write(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX1, CM108ButtonSource.IN2)
   print(f'Now VolUP button source: {str(CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX0)))}')
   print(f'Now VolDN button source: {str(CM108ButtonSource(read(aioc, Register.CM108_IOMUX1)))}')

if False:
    # Store settings into flash
    cmd(aioc, Command.STORE)