- A small CLI tool to control Toggl using the rest API
- I really like to track my time using Toggl but I find the website and mobile app clunky and slow
- For a while I used timery for toggl, but I use Android and Linux now not iOS and Mac
- But I really liked the way the app gave you saved timers so I took tho concept and made my own CLI tool to do the same
- The basic config is quite simple
"api_key": "your api key",
"workspace_id": your workspace id,
"saved_timers": []
- Ignore the saved timers array for now as that gets populated when you tell your program to save a new timer
Running toggl-cli
with no args will provide a basic help menu:
toggl - toggl cli
toggl-cli [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete-saved Delete a saved timer
help Help about any command
new-saved Save a new time entry
pause Pause the current entry
report Generate a report of a your time tracked
resume Resume the paused time entry
start Start new time entry
start-saved Start new time entry from your saved timers
status Get the curent tracking status
stop Stop the current entry
tag Create new tag(s)
-h, --help help for toggl-cli
Use "toggl-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
It's quite self expeditionary on how to use it from here. For a few quick tips though:
- Add toggl timer to tmux status
set-option -g status-interval 1
set -g status-right "#(toggl-cli status)"
* This will add your current timer status to tmux and it will update the status every 1 second
- For some scripts and ways to quickly start timers you can check the examples