A simple webpack 2 compatible loader to pass a file through String.prototype.replace
for string or regular expression replacement.
: {String} or {RegExp}, the first parameter to String.replace()
: {String} or {Function}, the second parameter to String.replace()
This loader intentionally does no internal processing of options. No bells and whistles, no magic, no random parameters. Just String.prototype.replace()
piped into your loader chain as transparently as possible. Pass in the same values for options as you would pass as parameters into String.replace
For example, if using regex and need a flag, append it to the expression yourself as part of your valid regex such as /IgnOre-Case/i
See MDN String.prototype.replace() and webpack Loaders for more info.
module.exports = {
modules: {
rules: [
* Example 1: Replace blue with hotpink in all css files *
* using webpack 1 style inline query. *
* *
* Inlining works only if both parameters are strings *
test: /\.css$/,
use: "style!css!replace?match=blue&replace=hotpink"
* Example 2: Bump version number in a manifest file using *
* both regex match and replacement function. *
* *
* Need to use webpack 2+ syntax with options object to pass *
* native js. (This syntax also works for strings.) *
test: /manifest\.json$/,
use: [
loader: 'replace-loader',
options: {
// example result: `"version": "3.23.5"`
match: /"version":\s*"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"/g ,
// use replace function instead of string
replace: (match, major, minor, patch)=>
`"version": "${major}.${minor}.${ +patch++ }"`