Converts doxygen-like comments from the source code to markdown
Reliable & unreliable messages over UDP. Robust message fragmentation & reassembly. P2P networking / NAT traversal. Encryption.
A C library that may be linked into a C/C++ program to produce symbolic backtraces
ℹ️ Outputs system information on Linux, including distribution, computer model, processor, CPU sockets/cores/threads, total memory and swap space, disk space and graphics processor
Vim Setup for Typescript, Angular, Dart Support
Compile-time string manipulation library for modern C++
☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
A repository of useful custom cppcheck rules
A collection of utility classes and functions for C++
Source code and issues for C++ Initialization Story book
The roadmap for learning the C++ programming language for beginners and experienced devs.
Quality Police for Java projects: aggregator of Checkstyle and PMD
Read-only mirror of
Perform customizable actions (Search, Copy etc) on selected text.
Provides an update site for the coffee-bytes code folding plugin