We use SIFT & ORB as feature detectors to get matching descriptors between a given image that we're matching with another image or with the live webcam.
detector = Detector("<query-image-path>") # images/detect.jpg as an example
is used to access the webcam, it matches the descriptors and finds the homography matrix H
and applies it with a bounding box. Here's an example:
detector.detect("<target-image-path>") # e.g. - images/detect_book.jpg
uses the target image to match with the query image
with which the detector was initialized. After finding matching descriptors, it draws lines between them. Here's an example:
We will try a Single Value Decomposition on an image with variable ranks to see how much information is being stored at each rank for image compression.
As we know, X = UΣV^T
, and we want to figure out the SVD for the image i.e. X is the grayscale image