- Haskell
- Haskell Platform is reasonable for a no-fuss setup.
- Ghcup is good for a minimal installation.
- Eventually you'll want to consider Stack for Haskell projects.
- Repl.it is good as a one-off testing.
- Development Environment
- Terminal-based editing
- Emacs/Vim/pick-your-poison and Ghcid
- Visual Studio Code with the Haskell extension is a good compromise between flexible term-based environments and a usable GUI.
- Terminal-based editing
- Learning Resources
- Free courses
- Free books
(Note: this is the general progression PM uses for his courses that introduce Haskell, splashed with compilers/interpreter topics.)
Functional programming in Haskell
- Expressions and types
- Basic datatypes and operations
- Higher-order functions
- Recursion over lists
Algebraic datatypes
- Generalized recursion over ADTs
- Common ADTs, e.g., Maybe
Abstract syntax trees and interpretation
- The compilation pipeline
- Arithmetic as an AST
- Basic language features, e.g., more types, operations
- Parametricity: reasoning about polymorphic code
The road to monads
- Typeclasses
- Functors and applicative functors
- Monads and their applications
Parsing and Parser Combinators
- Formal grammars
Type Systems
- Formal specification of type systems
- Advanced types: Type families, GADTs, and dependent types