FProject-Mod3 - Project Submission on 19062016-2359
Video Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KvlihM34_4
Folder -> AWS-Debian contain resouces on setting up the required services
Folder -> Arduino-Fritzing Img contain Arduino + FSR Sensor wiring diagram
Folder -> cps contain php script that is in AWS
1)cps.php->The script connect,and insert the value into the database, email notification.
2)cpsdata.php->Script the do a sql query, count all the reading in a day, prepare the return data in json for google chart.
3)cpsdashb.html/index.html/indexl.html->3 similar script that read the json data from cpsdata.php and draw on a line or bar chart.
Folder -> yun-fsr-led-simple contain yun-fsr-led-simple.ino (Arduino to read sensor data and send the reading to AWS debian)