This is a Python SSH screen scrapper that parses the output of commands sent to a network device and returns the information in various output formats. It uses netmiko/paramiko to do the SSH connection and TextFSM to parse the command outputs. It can be used to poll a device at a specified interval and save some metrics to an InfluxDB database. A typical use case for this would be polling a device for metrics that don't have any SNMP OID's associated with them, as is often the case with low-level debug commands.
- textfsm
- netmiko
- influxdbclient
- MockSSH (to run tests)
- Command line args
- YAML file (to process multiple commands per device)
- TextFSM (default)
- CSV (Can be used for some commands on F5 ADC's that can output to csv)
- JSON (used by default, to validate the parser's results)
- InfluxDB
./ -h
usage: [-h] (-H HOSTNAME | -y YAML) [-c COMMANDS [COMMANDS ...]]
[-m {json,influx}] [-i INTERVAL] [-u USERNAME]
[-p PASSWORD] [-o PORT] [-P {fsm,csv}] [-t THREADS] [-v]
Screen scrapping poller with InfluxDB output
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-y YAML, --yaml YAML YAML input file
Commands sent after connection (will not be parsed)
-d DEVICE_TYPE, --device_type DEVICE_TYPE
Device type (FSM mode only)
-m {json,influx}, --mode {json,influx}
Output mode (default = json)
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
Polling interval (sec)
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
SSH username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
SSH password
-o PORT, --port PORT SSH port
-P {fsm,csv}, --parse {fsm,csv}
Text input format (default = fsm)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
# of threads
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
- The thread count parameters is not currently implemented. The # of threads will be the size of the YAML task list.
- The device_type has to match netmiko supported device types (i.e. see netmiko's doc)
- The InfluxDB parameters are hardcoded in the SSH_Poller class definition at the moment
Get the interface statistics off a Cisco NX-OS switch every 2 minutes, then put the information in the InfluxDB. The first half of the command flag parameter specified the command and the second part defined the tag that'll be added to the value written to InfluxDB. If you're writing several values to the database (getting some metrics off multiple interfaces for example), it is important to specify in the tag field the TextFSM Value parameter. In this example, intf_name is the Value parameter in the TextFSM template.
./ -H <hostname/ip> -m influx -u <username> -p <password> -i 120 -c "show interfaces extensive:intf_name" -d cisco_nxos
Parse CSV command output from an F5 load-balancer every 5 minutes and and write the data in InfluxDB. Some commands on F5 load-balancers support csv output so we don't need to craft a TextFSM template for it. In this example we'll pass a precommand argument to start a bash shell before we issue the command to be parsed.
./ -H <hostname/ip> -m influx -u <username> -p <password> -i 300 -c "tmctl -c -d blade tmm/tcp4" -C "bash" -d f5_ltm -P csv
To send multiple commands to the same device, you can create a YAML and put a series of commands.
./ -u <username> -p <password> -y <YAML_file>
YAML file content:
--- - device_name: localhost port: 9999 device_type: cisco_nxos parse_mode: fsm post_login_commands: commands: - show version - show interface:intf_name