This is a Chrome extension wallet for the Neo Smart Economy.
Currently the project is undergoing heavy development and is hardcoded to only operate on TestNet.
- Open a wallet using an encyrpted WIF
- Get a list of transactions for any known address - does not require login
- Get the balance of any known address - does not require login
- Send Neo or Gas to an address
- Easily switch between Public & Private Net
- Test invoke smart contracts, with parameters, to determine gas cost and test
- Send invoke smart contracts with parameters and arguments
- Authorize both types of smart contract invocations as requested by third-party dApp
- SemVer 2.0 compliant
- Add progress indicator for all actions to show user something is happening
- Add global status bar or modal system
- Add custom network configuration
- Add persistent storage of user configuration
- Re-skin UI and layout
- Refactor: lint, modularity, and clarity
- Easy selection of MainNet, TestNet, or custom private net
- Contact book that remembers addresses used
- Configurable watch wallet for any saved addresses to display balances all in one view
- Claim Gas
- Create wallet
- Import Wallet
- Export Wallet
- Add arbitrary number of arguments for smart contract invocation
- Ledger hardware support
- Any ideas from the community!
- Finalize Preact version + Material Design
- Product Landing Page
- Firefox plug-in
- Version 1.0 Release (Release packed plug-in on Google and Firefox)
- neon-api integration (NEO's web3 equivalent)
yarn install
cd node_modules/neon-js
npm install
npm run-script build
cd ../../
yarn run start
(for development with live reload)
yarn run build
Your unpacked extension will be in the ./build/ folder.
See for instructions on manually loading an unpacked Chrome extension in developer mode.
Add the following code to your dApp:
<input type='text' id='contractScriptHash' />
<input type='text' id='operationName' />
<input type='text' id='runInvokeArgument1' />
<input type='text' id='runInvokeArgument2' />
<input type='text' id='assetType' />
<input type='text' id='assetAmount' />
<button id="runInvokeButton">Invoke</button>
function() {
var scriptHash = document.getElementById("contractScriptHash").value
var operation = document.getElementById("operationName").value
var invokeArg1 = document.getElementById("runInvokeArgument1").value
var invokeArg2 = document.getElementById("runInvokeArgument2").value
var type = document.getElementById("assetType").value
var amount = document.getElementById("assetAmount").value
var invocationObject = {
'scriptHash': scriptHash,
'operation': operation,
'arg1': invokeArg1,
'arg2': invokeArg2,
'assetType': type,
'assetAmount': amount
window.postMessage({ type: "FROM_PAGE", text: invocationObject }, "*");
}, false);
Please note that currently the code is limited to a maximum of three arguments to the smart contract.
Python command line: (must be synced to TestNet)
testinvoke b3a14d99a3fb6646c78bf2f4e2f25a7964d2956a putvalue ['test','0000ff'] --attach-gas=0.000025
- Install NeoLink
- Clone
- Follow the instructions there to install and build
- Login with encrypted WIF (wallet needs a balance of TestNet gas)
- Login to
- user: [email protected]
- pass: neo
- Locate contract with name 'test' in the list of Devices
- Enter a color code hex value in the form of '00ff00' (without quotes) into the input field
- Click pay
- If you are logged into your NeoLink wallet you will see a message in the web page asking you to open NeoLink and authorize the transaction.
- Open NeoLink and click the 'yes' button to authorize the transaction.