Process-based parallelism for the Go programming language
Package spawn provides multiprocessing funcionality for the Go programming language. It offers a small set of functions that allow spawning processes and distributing tasks among them.
The following example shows how to calculate the squares of the first 1000 natural numbers across 4 processes.
package main
import (
func main() {
var err error
// We are going to pass ints as tasks in this example,
// so we have to register type int here.
err = spawn.Register(new(int))
if err != nil {
// The dispatch function generates tasks and submits them to
// the worker processes.
spawn.Dispatch(func() {
for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
spawn.Task <- i
// The work function runs in the spawned processes. It receives tasks,
// performs a heavy computation (x^2) and sends the processed tasks
// as results back to our main process.
spawn.Work(func() {
for task := range spawn.Task {
val := task.(int)
spawn.Result <- (val * val)
// Let's spawn 4 worker processes.
err = spawn.Run(4)
if err != nil {
// Receive all results in a semi-random order.
for res := range spawn.Result {
spawn is released under MIT license. You can find a copy of the MIT License in the LICENSE file.