This is a distribution of plugins and configuration to use Vim for development,
on Linux and macOS.
It uses vim-plug to manage the plugins automatically.
The plugins are listed in bundle.vim
, which is sourced by vimrc
Most development support is now handled with language servers via coc.nvim. To enable this experimental configuration, set the environment variable
Clone the repository:
$ git clone ~/.vim
Execute the installation script (curl is required):
$ cd ~/.vim
$ ./
This script installs the plugin manager (vim-plug), downloads and installs the plugins, and downloads spell files for English and Spanish.
Some plugins need external programs to work properly (click to expand/colapse).
You need the Universal Ctags program:
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install universal-ctags
# macOS
$ brew install universal-ctags
Press <F8>
to open a lateral window
with the tags of the current buffer ordered by scope,
or use g[
to fuzzy search for a tag within the buffer.
Install ack to use the :Ack[!]
command inside Vim as a replacement for
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install ack-grep
# macOS
$ brew install ack
See the webpage for more information. ripgrep is also supported (and recommended) as a replacement for ack if installed.
ALE provides automatic syntax checking when saving the file.
C/C++ files have automatic support with GCC.
To add support for Python files install ruff:
# Ubuntu
$ pip install ruff
# macOS
$ brew install ruff
For shell script files, install ShellCheck:
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install shellcheck
# macOS
$ brew install shellcheck
Fetch any changes from the repository:
$ cd ~/.vim
$ git pull origin master
$ ./install -u
The script will start vim
and run :PlugUpdate
to install new plugins and update the existing ones.
See vim-plug documentation for more details.
To override settings,
create a directory ~/.vim/vendor
(for shared company-wide settings)
or a directory ~/.vim/private
(for private local settings).
They will be added to the runtimepath
If both are used, the private
settings will override those in vendor
To add or remove plugins,
create a file named ~/.vim/vendor/bundle.vim
(for shared company-wide plugins)
or ~/.vim/private/bundle.vim
(for local-machine plugins),
and put extra plugins in there:
" Remove ctrlp (UnPlug is defined in vimrc, not in vim-plug)
UnPlug 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
" Use fzf instead
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
To extend or change the configuration of vimrc
create a file named ~/.vim/vendor/vimrc
(for shared company-wide configuration)
or ~/.vim/private/vimrc
(for a local-machine configuration),
and put extra settings in there:
" Override settings for plugins
let g:ale_cpp_cc_options = '-std=c++11'
" Override Vim settings
set nonumber
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=8
Since ~/.vim/vendor
and ~/.vim/private
are added to the runtimepath
simply create the files in their expected locations,
and they will be sourced by normal Vim initialization.
(company-wide JavaScript settings)~/.vim/private/after/ftplugin/html.vim
(local-machine HTML settings)~/.vim/vendor/autoload/company.vim
(company-wide Vim functions)~/.vim/private/plugin/plugin.vim
(local-machine custom plugin)
The vimrc
sets the following options:
- Restore position of cursor when opening files.
- Put swap, backup and undo files in
. - Set
to change between unsaved buffers. - Use indentation of four spaces, not tabs.
- Backspace works in INSERT mode, and cursor moves to other lines.
- Use Unix file format and UTF-8 encoding for new files.
- Always show mode, status line, ruler and command.
- Better command line completion.
- Search words while typing, ignoring case.
- Better navigation for long lines.
- Do not backup files.
- Spelling for English and Spanish.
And several more.
Configuration for used plugins can be found in bundle.vim
Vim uses buffers (:help buffers
) to edit multiple files.
Use the following key mappings in normal mode to easily work with buffers.
is custom mapped to jump back to the previously edited file (see:help alternate-file
is custom mapped to see the list of buffers. Navigate with thej
keys, press<Enter>
to open the buffer, ord
to delete it (see buffergator).]b
to go to the next buffer in buffer list (see vim-unimpaired-slim).[b
to go to the previous buffer in buffer list (see vim-unimpaired-slim).
See Working with buffers, Working with windows and Working with tabs for a quick introduction to Vim features for editing multiple files.
Note that using tabs in Vim is different than opening tabs in other editors.
are exchanged for moving to marks.-
opens the Vim built in directory browser (see dirvish).<F3>
toggles the NERDTree list of files (see NERDtree).<C-Space>
on insert mode to start completion based on context.
The following plugins are used (check bundle.vim
for configuration details):
- local-vimrc:
simple local
with hash protection (.vimrc
supported). - Buffergator: list, select and switch between buffers
(custom mapped to
). - ctrlp.vim: full path fuzzy file, buffer, MRU and tag finder
to search files and<C-N>
to search MRU files). - The NERD Tree: a tree explorer (toggle with
and find current file with<Leader><F3>
). - dirvish.vim: enhances the built in directory browser (open with
). - vim-airline: lean and mean status/tabline for Vim that's light as air.
- Supertab: perform all Vim insert mode completions with a single key
(custom mapped to
instead of<Tab>
). - UltiSnips: the ultimate snippet solution
(custom mapped to trigger with
and jump forward with<Tab>
). - ack.vim: front end for ack, a better grep.
- EditorConfig Vim: adds support for EditorConfig files.
- fugitive.vim: an awesome Git wrapper
(see custom mappings with
:map <Leader>g
). - ALE: Asynchronous linting/fixing.
- Mundo: visualize the Vim undo tree (toggle with
). - Gutentags: automatically manage the tag files.
- Tagbar: a class outline viewer, displays tags in a window,
ordered by scope (toggle with
). - sideways.vim: move function arguments left and right.
- commentary.vim: comment stuff out.
- unimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings (custom slim version)
- surround.vim: delete/change/add parentheses, quotes, tags, etc.
- repeat.vim: repeat supported plugin maps with