The PoolTogether Prize Savings Protocol Ethereum smart contracts.
See the documentation
The Chainlink RNG is supported on mainnet, rinkeby and kovan.
The Blockhash RNG is supported on mainnet, rinkeby, kovan, and ropsten.
Install Dependencies
$ yarn
Copy over .envrc.example to .envrc
$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
Make sure to update the enviroment variables with suitable values.
Now enable the env vars using direnv
$ direnv allow
You can interact with the contract using the buidler console:
$ buidler console --network [network]
Then you can interact with deployed contracts:
> const signer = (await ethers.getSigners())[0]
> const d = await deployments.all()
> const chainlink = await ethers.getContractAt('RNGChainlink', d.RNGChainlink.address, signer)
> const link = await ethers.getContractAt('IERC20', (await chainlink.getLink()), signer)
You can deploy using the deploy script:
$ yarn deploy [network]
Where [network] can be mainnet
, rinkeby
, ropsten
, or kovan
Now you should verify the contracts on Etherscan:
$ yarn etherscan-verify [network]
The network option is the same as above.
Verify Codebase (hint + test)
$ yarn verify
Run Static Code Analysis
$ yarn hint
Run Tests
$ yarn test
Run Coverage
$ yarn coverage
Run Gas Report
$ yarn gas
Start Local TestRPC & Deploy
$ yarn start
Deploy to an Ethereum Network