This repository contains MID-Fusion: a new multi-instance dynamic RGBD SLAM system using an object-level octree-based volumetric representation.
It can provide robust camera tracking in dynamic environments and at the same time, continuously estimate geometric, semantic, and motion properties for arbitrary objects in the scene. For each incoming frame, we perform instance segmentation to detect objects and refine mask boundaries using geometric and motion information. Meanwhile, we estimate the pose of each existing moving object using an object-oriented tracking method and robustly track the camera pose against the static scene. Based on the estimated camera pose and object poses, we associate segmented masks with existing models and incrementally fuse corresponding colour, depth, semantic, and foreground object probabilities into each object model. In contrast to existing approaches, our system is the first system to generate an object-level dynamic volumetric map from a single RGB-D camera, which can be used directly for robotic tasks. Our method can run at 2-3 Hz on a CPU, excluding the instance segmentation part. We demonstrate its effectiveness by quantitatively and qualitatively testing it on both synthetic and real-world sequences.
More information can be found on the paper and video.
The following packages are required to build the se-denseslam
- CMake
- Eigen3
- OpenMP
- OpenCV
The benchmarking and GUI apps additionally require:
- GLut
- OpenGL
- OpenNI2
- PkgConfig/Qt5
Go into the apps/kfusion folder, simply run the following command to install the software and the dependencies
make clean
We bundle a Visual Studio Code development container, the Dockerfile
of which you can also use stand-alone. Remember to mount the data folder (e.g. change directory location in volumes
in .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml
to the container. Use xhost +
to allow the container to access the host's X server.
If you meet any dependency issue in compiling, please refer to github action file or report an issue.
We provide some usage samples. Please see the bash files in the apps/kfusion/demo folder, which contains some demo scripts, or simply run in the apps/kfusion
make demo_cup_bottle
to test on the sequences of the moving cup and bottles.
Others are:
make demo_carrot
: test on the sequences of the moving carrotmake demo_multi_obj
: test on the sequences of the multiple objectsmake demo_rotate_book
: test on the sequences of the rotated bookmake demo_syn_2objs
: test on the synthetic datasets of two moving objects
The data used to run those bash can be downloaded via this link. Remember to modify the datasets address in the bash files accordingly.
RGB-D sequences need to be given in the SLAMBench 1.0 file format ( The method for converting RGBD data to the raw format depends on how you collected it. If it is in the TUM or IC-NUIM format, you can use our program, scene2raw, which is included in mid-fusion.
Collect your own data: If you want to recorded your data from an Asus Kinectm you can first use Thomas's logger2 and then convert its klg format (which are used in elasticfusion and maskfusion) to the raw format using our vs2raw. If you want to record your data using a realsense camera, you can also use my rs-logger to directly record it in live raw data.
Then you can run our modified Mask RCNN script (check this repo) to generate masks, classes, and semantic probability in cnpy format. You may need to tune some parameters in the file and parse them as arguments for your own sequences.
Notice: We used the tensorpack-version Mask RCNN to generate object masks in our original work. However, the Mask RCNN system we used at that time is obsolete and cannot be run any more due to the tensorflow update. Here we provide a maskrcnn-benchmark version for usage. We did not finetune either of those versions, but the results would be much improved with a better/more suited segmentation mask. Therefore if you want to increase performance in your specific domain, please consider training a network on your data.
This is an official implementation of MID-Fusion system. The system is implemented based on supereight, an octree-based volumetric representation. However, MID-Fusion was developed in parallel with supereight system. Therefore you may notice some structure and contents differences between the two systems. We are trying to merge the new updates from supereight into our MID-Fusion implementation. We greatly appreciate the contribution of the supereight team.
Please consider citing this project in your publications if it helps your work. The following is a BibTeX reference. The BibTeX entry requires the url
LaTeX package.
author = {Binbin Xu and Wenbin Li and Dimos Tzoumanikas and Michael Bloesch and Andrew Davison and Stefan Leutenegger},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
+ title = {{MID-Fusion}: Octree-based Object-Level Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM},
year = {2019},
Copyright © 2017-2019 Smart Robotics Lab, Imperial College London
Copyright © 2017-2019 Binbin Xu ([email protected])
Distributed under the BSD 3-clause license.