#2014.07.08 Release 0.0.8
=> Added class galaxy::directories , which creates some directories to fix some bug at the initial start of Galaxy.
#2014.30.07 Release 0.0.7
=> Removed first_run.pp.
=> Instead , we use common_startup , create_db and manage_tools.
=>Service support Galaxy in onecore or multicore both on Debian and CentOS.
=>The galaxy service is launch with galaxy user.
=>Each classes require another class to make the install step by step correctly and start service in the last time.
=>Now we use automatic parameter lookup with Hiera to cconfigure as we want.
=> All the files in galaxy-dist are owned by galaxy and group is galaxy.
#2014.07.08 Release 0.0.6
=> Correction of galaxy::universe
#2014.06.26 Release 0.0.5
=> Rewrite first_run.pp. Now it is really a first run. It starts and stops Galaxy when it has serving on http://localhost:8080.