#Galaxy ####Table of Contents
##Overview The Galaxy module allows you to download and make up a new instance of galaxy.
##Module Description This is the Galaxy module. Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research. This module contains the base blocks for Galaxy server configuration management. These base blocks are agregated in profiles and roles. See urgi/galaxy-roles-profiles for Galaxy roles and profiles.
####Class: galaxy::dependencies
This class installs all the packages required to build one new Galaxy's instances: Mercurial , Python and Tar ( and Dpkg for Debian OS)
####Class: galaxy::params
This class sets the default parameters for the galaxy puppet module ( create user, directory and galaxy branch)
####Class: galaxy::common_startup
This class writes common_startup.sh from galaxy-central and execute it.
This convert .samples files in .ini files and fetch the eggs.
####Class: galaxy::create_db
This class executes create_db.sh to create a database and update it at the last version.
####Class: galaxy::manage_tools
This class executes manage_tools.py wich updates the tools.
####Class: galaxy::install
This class download the remote repository from bickbuckets.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist with mercurial.
####Class: galaxy::job_conf
This class writes the job_conf.xml file with a template. Make sure the numbers of background workers (handlers) matches the numberwich is in universe.pp
####Class: galaxy::service
This class configures galaxy service. Currently debain/redhat are the only two supported.
####Class: galaxy::toolshed_conf
This class writes Galaxy toolshed configuration. Specifies which toolsheds are available to use in the web interface.
####Class: galaxy::universe
This class writes the universe_wsgi.ini , the main configuration file of Galaxy.
See code interne documentation. All the parameters can be set by Hiera, using automatic parameter lookup : http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/puppet.html#automatic-parameter-lookup
##Github projects
Projects for base blocks and roles+profiles are hosted on github:
Mikael Loaec [email protected]
Olivier Inizan [email protected]
Eric Rasche [email protected]
##Galaxy Project http://galaxyproject.org