enhancement: X/ED25519: enable 128 bit mode on Intel for both, kernel and user space
add Rust binding support
enhancement: reduce memory footprint of Keccak state
enhancement: add cSHAKE re-init support
fix: KMAC-AEAD / cSHAKE-AEAD - ensure proper re-initialization
enhancement: add RISC-V 64 bit Keccak - currently disabled due to a bug
enhancement: compile Dilithium ARMv8 support in Linux kernel (excluding the SIMD Keccak operation)
fix: fix ARM-CE detection logic
fix: potential Kyber side channel
fix: KMAC min MAC size is 32 bits
enhancement: use accelerated XOR for KMAC/cSHAKE AEAD
fix: enable poly_compress_avx for Linux kernel compilation when GCC >= 13 is present
enhancement: add interface code to register leancrypto with Linux kernel crypto API