The project is available via maven repositories.
There is different retry strategies available:
- OneTimeRetryStrategy which performs one retry.
- ExponentialRetryStrategy which performs multiple retries with an exponential increase of duration between the attempts.
- FibonacciRetryStragey which uses a baseline and increases it by the fibonacci serie.
// Build an OneTimeRetryStrategy which takes a duration as argument.
// The duration specifies how long it should wait before next retry.
RetryStrategy retryStrategy = OneTimeRetryStrategy
// Perform a runnable, with no return.
retryStrategy.perform(() -> personRepository.update(person));
// Perform a supplier with return. Wraps the return in an java.util.Optional.
Optional<Person> person = retryStrategy
.performAndGet(() -> personRepository.findById("Viktor"));
// Build a BasicRetryStrategy which takes an int of maxAttempts and a duration between each retry.
RetryStrategy retryStrategy = BasicRetryStrategy.create(Duration.ofSeconds(5), 10);
// Build an ExponentialRetryStrategy which takes an int maxExponent and long base.
// The maxExponent specifies the max value of n in b^n.
// The base specifies the base in milliseconds to wait before retrying.
RetryStrategy retryStrategy = ExponentialRetryStrategy.create(Duration.ofSeconds(5));
// Perform a runnable, with no return.
retryStrategy.perform(() -> personRepository.update(person));
// Perform a supplier with return. Wraps the return in an java.util.Optional.
Optional<Person> person = retryStrategy
.performAndGet(() -> personRepository.findById("Viktor"));
The interface also makes it possible to specifiy that no retry should be performed on occurance of exceptions in a list.