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Demo project to install Spring Boot (Client, CRUD) applications and Service on k8s using Component CRD processed by an operator on the cloud platform

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Spring Boot Demo using Component's CRD


The purpose of this demo is to showcase how you can use Component CRD and a Kubernetes operator deployed on OpenShift to help you to install your Microservices Spring Boot application, instantiate a database using a Kubernetes Service Catalog and inject the required information to the different Microservices to let a Spring Boot application to access/consume a service (http endpoint, database, ...).

The demo's project consists, as depicted within the following diagram, of two Spring Boot applications and a PostgreSQL Database.


The application to be deployed can be described using a Fluent DSL syntax as :


where the ComponentA and ComponentB correspond respectively to a Spring Boot application fruit-client-sb and fruit-backend-sb.

The relation from -> to indicates that we will reference the ComponentA with the ComponentB using a Link.

The link's purpose is to inject as Env var(s) the information required to by example configure the HTTP client of the ComponentA to access the ComponentB which exposes the logic of the backend's system as CRUD REST operations.

To let the ComponentB to access the database, we will also setup a link in order to pass using the Secret of the service instance created the parameters which are needed to configure a Spring Boot Datasource's bean.

The deployment or installation of the application in a namespace will consist in to create the resources on the platform using some Component yaml resource files defined according to the Component API spec. When they will be created, then the Component operator which is a Kubernetes controller will execute different operations to create :

  • For the component-runtime a development's pod running a supervisord's daemon able to start/stop the application [1] and where we can push the uber jar file compiled locally,
  • A Service using the OpenShift Automation Broker and the Kubernetes Service Catalog [2],
  • EnvVar section for the development's pod [3].


Hetzner remote's cluster

oc project <user_project>

Local cluster using MiniShift

  • Minishift (>= v1.26.1) with Service Catalog feature enabled
  • Launch Minishift VM
# if you don't have a minishift VM, start as follows
minishift addons enable xpaas
minishift addons enable admin-user
minishift start
minishift openshift component add service-catalog
minishift openshift component add automation-service-broker
  • Login to MiniShift using admin's user
oc login "https://$(minishift ip):8443" -u admin -p admin
  • Deploy the resources within the namespace component-operator
oc new-project component-operator
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f

Local cluster using Minikube

Install using brew tool on MacOS the following applications

brew cask install minikube
brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install kubernetes-service-catalog-client
brew install kubernetes-helm

Next, create a K8s cluster where ingress addon is enabled

minikube config set vm-driver virtualbox
minikube config set WantReportError true
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.14.0
minikube config set memory 5000
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable dashboard
minikube start

When minikube is running, initialize the Helm Tiller on ths server and next deploy the Service Catalog

helm init
# Wait until tiller is ready before moving on
until kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l name=tiller | grep 1/1; do sleep 1; done

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

# Adds the chart repository for the service catalog
helm repo add svc-cat

# Installs the service catalog
helm install svc-cat/catalog --name catalog --namespace catalog

# Wait until the catalog is ready before moving on
until kubectl get pods -n catalog -l app=catalog-catalog-apiserver | grep 2/2; do sleep 1; done
until kubectl get pods -n catalog -l app=catalog-catalog-controller-manager | grep 1/1; do sleep 1; done

We can now install the OpenShift Ansible Broker

kubectl apply -f

Install the Component Operator

kubectl create namespace component-operator
kubectl apply -f -n component-operator
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f -n component-operator

Demo's time

Install the project

  • Login to the OpenShift's cluster using your favorite user
oc login https://ip_address_or_hostname_fqdn>:8443 -u <user> -p <password
  • Git clone the project locally to play with a Spring Boot composite application
git clone && cd component-operator-demo
  • Create a new project my-spring-app
oc new-project my-spring-app

Build the application

  • Build the frontend and the Backend using mvn to generate their respective Spring Boot uber jar file
mvn clean package

Install the components on the cluster

As our Spring Boot applications use the ap4k dependencies, then during the mvn compile or mvn package phases, additional yaml resources will be created under the directory ap4k. They will be next used to deploy the different components on the cluster with the help of the oc or kubectl client tool.


Here is what we did within the Java classes of the frontend ot backend applications in order to tell to Ap4k to generate either a Component, Link or Capability Custom Resource definition (yaml|json).

The @CompositeApplication is used by the ap4k lib to generate a Component CRD resource, containing the definition of the runtime, the name of the component, if a route is needed.

A @Link represents additional information or metadata to be injected within the Comnponent (aka Deployment resource) in order to configure the application to access another component using its service address, a service deployed from the k8s catalog.


        name = "fruit-client-sb",
        exposeService = true,
        links = @Link(
                  name = "Env var to be injected within the target component -> fruit-backend",
                  targetcomponentname = "fruit-client-sb",
                  kind = "Env",
                  ref = "",
                  envVars = @Env(
                          name  = "ENDPOINT_BACKEND",
                          value = "http://fruit-backend-sb:8080/api/fruits"

To express the creation of a Service/Capability on the Cloud platform, we are using the @ServiceCatalog annotation where we define the Service's class, its plan and parameters as defined by the Database PostgreSQL Service of the OpenDhift Ansible Broker.

Like for the Client's component, we will also define a @Link annotation to inject from the secret created during the creation of the service, the parameters that the application will use to configure, in this example, the DataSource's object able to call the PostgreSQL instance.


        name = "fruit-backend-sb",
        exposeService = true,
        envVars = @Env(
                name = "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE",
                value = "broker-catalog"),
        links = @Link(
                name = "Secret to be injected as EnvVar using Service's secret",
                targetcomponentname = "fruit-backend-sb",
                kind = "Secret",
                ref = "postgresql-db"))
   instances = @ServiceCatalogInstance(
        name = "postgresql-db",
        serviceClass = "dh-postgresql-apb",
        servicePlan = "dev",
        bindingSecret = "postgresql-db",
        parameters = {
                @Parameter(key = "postgresql_user", value = "luke"),
                @Parameter(key = "postgresql_password", value = "secret"),
                @Parameter(key = "postgresql_database", value = "my_data"),
                @Parameter(key = "postgresql_version", value = "9.6")

Deploy the generated component.yml resource files

oc apply -f fruit-client-sb/target/classes/META-INF/ap4k/component.yml
oc apply -f fruit-backend-sb/target/classes/META-INF/ap4k/component.yml

when the Supervisord pod is ready, then push the code and launch the java application using the following bash script

./scripts/ fruit-client sb
./scripts/ fruit-backend sb

Check if the Component Client is replying

  • Call the HTTP Endpoint exposed by the Spring Boot Fruit Client in order to fetch data from the database
route_address=$(oc get route/fruit-client-sb -o jsonpath='{}')
curl http://$route_address/api/client

using httpie client
http -s solarized http://$route_address/api/client
http -s solarized http://$route_address/api/client/1
http -s solarized http://$route_address/api/client/2
http -s solarized http://$route_address/api/client/3

Using K8s

Before to install the operator, create a kubernetes namespace and then deploy the resources as defined within the section of the README - Minikube

Next, install the 2 components frontend and backend within the namespace demo

kubectl create namespace demo
kubectl apply -n demo -f fruit-backend-sb/target/classes/META-INF/ap4k/component.yml
kubectl apply -n demo -f fruit-client-sb/target/classes/META-INF/ap4k/component.yml

When the Dev's pods are ready, then push the code using the following bash script within the target namespace

./scripts/ fruit-backend sb demo
./scripts/ fruit-client sb demo

REMARK: the namespace where the application will be deployed must be passed as 3rd paramter to the bash script

As an Ingress route will be created instead of an OpenShift route, then we must adapt the curl command to access the service's address and get the fruits

# export FRONTEND_ROUTE_URL=<service_name>.<hostname_or_ip>.<domain_name>
curl -H "Host: fruit-client-sb" ${FRONTEND_ROUTE_URL}/api/client

Switch from Dev to Build mode

  • Decorate the Component with the following values in order to specify the git info needed to perform a Build, like the name of the component to be selected to switch from the dev loop to the publish loop

     annotations: master fruit-backend-sb "*.jar" "fruit-backend-sb" "fruit-backend-sb" "fruit-backend-sb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"

    Remark : When the maven project does not contain multi modules, then replace the name of the folder / module with . using the annotation

  • Patch the component when it has been deployed to switch from dev to build

    oc patch cp fruit-backend-sb -p '{"spec":{"deploymentMode":"build"}}' --type=merge

Nodejs deployment

  • Build node project locally
cd fruit-client-nodejs
nvm use v10.1.0
npm audit fix
npm install -s --only=production
  • Run locally
npm run -d start      
  • Deploy the node's component and link it to the Spring Boot fruit backend
oc apply -f fruit-client-nodejs/component.yml
oc apply -f fruit-client-nodejs/env-backend-endpoint.yml
  • Push the code and start the nodejs application
./scripts/ fruit-client nodejs
  • Test it locally or remotely
# locally
http :8080/api/client
http :8080/api/client/1 

route_address=$(oc get route/fruit-client-nodejs -o jsonpath='{}')
curl http://$route_address/api/client

using httpie client
http http://$route_address/api/client
http http://$route_address/api/client/1
http http://$route_address/api/client/2
http http://$route_address/api/client/3

Scaffold a project

git clone [email protected]:snowdrop/scaffold-command.git && cd scaffold-command
go build -o scaffold cmd/scaffold.go
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/dabou/Code/snowdrop/scaffold-command

? Create from template Yes
? Available templates rest
? Group Id me.snowdrop
? Artifact Id myproject
? Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
? Package name me.snowdrop.myproject
? Spring Boot version 2.1.2.RELEASE
? Use supported version No
? Where should we create your new project ./fruit-demo

cd demo

add to the pom.xml file


  <!-- spring Boot -->


Demo components

TODO: To be updated as this is not longer correct

oc delete cp/fruit-backend-sb
oc delete cp/fruit-database
oc delete cp/fruit-database-config

oc delete cp/fruit-client
oc delete cp/fruit-endpoint

Operator and CRD resources

TODO: To be updated as this is not longer correct

oc delete -f resources/sa.yaml -n component-operator
oc delete -f resources/cluster-rbac.yaml
oc delete -f resources/crd.yaml 
oc delete -f resources/operator.yaml -n component-operator


Demo project to install Spring Boot (Client, CRUD) applications and Service on k8s using Component CRD processed by an operator on the cloud platform






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Contributors 4
