This is a simple Go library to manage commands for your CLI tool. Easy to use and now you can focus on Business Logic instead of building the command routing.
Manage your separated commands. How? Generates a general help and command
specific helps for your commands. If your command fails somewhere
for example), commander will display the error message and
the command specific help to guide your user.
$ go get
Sample output (from totp-cli)
$ totp-cli help
change-password Change password
update Check and update totp-cli itself
version Print current version of this application
generate <namespace>.<account> Generate a specific OTP
add-token [namespace] [account] Add new token
list [namespace] List all available namespaces or accounts under a namespace
delete <namespace>[.account] Delete an account or a whole namespace
help [command] Display this help or a command specific help
Every single command has to implement CommandHandler
Check this project for examples.
package main
// Import the package
import ""
// Your Command
type YourCommand struct {
// Executed only on command call
func (c *YourCommand) Execute(opts *commander.CommandHelper) {
// Command Action
func NewYourCommand(appName string) *commander.CommandWrapper {
return &commander.CommandWrapper{
Handler: &YourCommand{},
Help: &commander.CommandDescriptor{
Name: "your-command",
ShortDescription: "This is my own command",
LongDescription: `This is a very long
description about this command.`,
Arguments: "<filename> [optional-argument]",
Examples: []string {
"test.txt copy",
"test.txt move",
// Main Section
func main() {
registry := commander.NewCommandRegistry()
Now you have a CLI tool with two commands: help
and your-command
❯ go build mytool.go
❯ ./mytool
your-command <filename> [optional-argument] This is my own command
help [command] Display this help or a command specific help
❯ ./mytool help your-command
Usage: mytool your-command <filename> [optional-argument]
This is a very long
description about this command.
mytool your-command test.txt
mytool your-command test.txt copy
mytool your-command test.txt move
When you create your main command, just create a new CommandRegistry
the Execute
function like you did in your main()
and change Depth
import subcommand ""
func (c *Something) Execute(opts *commander.CommandHelper) {
registry := commander.NewCommandRegistry()
registry.Depth = 1