Decoupled components used by the Lightning distribution for Drupal.
Using the lightning_features module in your own install profile's is recommended.
- If you are not using a module and no lightning_features modules inuse require it as a dependency, it could be deleted from your project with a patch for lightning_features.make
- You will not see any performance decrease on your delivery if you leave uninstalled modules in your profiles directory.
- We recommend evaluating each lightning_* module for your own usage and only using the things you deem necessary.
See lightning_features.make for a detailed list of dependent modules and libraries.
If you downloaded the Lightning Demo from
cd profiles/lightning/modules/contrib/lightning_features
If you built your own profile using Lightning Features: you must keep lightning_features and the contrib it provides in profiles/[my-profile]/modules/contrib otherwise the script will not run correctly.
cd profiles/[my-profile]/modules/contrib/lightning_features
Run tests from the command line:
sh http://lightning.local
Replace [http://lightning.local] with the site environment url to test against.
- Article content type exists
- Creating an article as admin
- Article content type has fields provided by feature
- Checks to ensure breakpoints were created
- Checks to ensure Views Content Cache is enabled
- Text formats exist
- Text formats have appropriate feature-defined filters
- Webform type present
- Can create Webform
- Check basic Webform fields
- Checks for FPP types
- Checks for fields on FPP types
- Checks to ensure taxonomy exists
- Ensure landing page content type exists
- Create landing page content
- Landing Page fields
- Checks for letterbox breakpoints
- Ensure moderation steps are created
- Ensure page content type exists
- Create page content
- Page fields
- Role exists: curator
- Role exists: reviewer
- Role exists: marketer
- Checks for Article field collection
- Tags taxonomy vocabulary exists
- Check Linkit exists
- Linkit sanity check