This package will completely synchronize the database specified as "from" and "to" in the config or through the command options.
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Via Composer
$ composer require mtolhuijs/laravel-database-synchronizer
Optionally you can run php artisan vendor:publish --provider mtolhuijs\LDS\DatabaseSynchronizerServiceProvider
which will create a config file in the root config folder to adjust the behavior of the package.
This package comes with 1 command:
php artisan db:sync
Synchronizes your "from" database with your "to" database
{ --from= : Synchronize data from this database instead of the one specified in config }
{ --to= : Synchronize data to this database instead of the one specified in config }
{ --t|tables=* : Only run for given table(s) }
{ --st|skip-tables=* : Skip given table(s) }
{ --l|limit= : Limit query rows (defaults to 5000) }
{ --truncate : Truncate before inserting data }
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.
license. Please see the license file for more information.