Paperclip Database Storage is an additional storage option for Paperclip. It gives you the opportunity to store your paperclip binary file uploads in the database along with all your other data.
depends on paperclip
It is recommended to use the trim_blobs gem to limit the logging of BLOB data in your logfiles.
Paperclip Database Storage is distributed as a gem, which is how it should be used in your app.
Include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem "paperclip_database", "~> 2.0"
Or, if you want to get the latest, you can get master from the main paperclip repository:
gem "paperclip_database", :git => "git://"
If you're trying to use features that don't seem to be in the latest released gem, but are mentioned in this README, then you probably need to specify the master branch if you want to use them. This README is probably ahead of the latest released version, if you're reading it on GitHub.
As of version 2.0, Rails 2 is no longer supported. As of version 3.0, Rails 3 is no longer supported. Supported versions are rails from >= 4.2 to < 6.0 and paperclip version >= 2.3 As Paperclip is deprecated and final rails support for that was rails 5.x this gem will equally no longer going to be updated to more than rails 5.x
There is no quick start. You definitely need to understand how to use paperclip first.
You use paperclip_database
by specifying database
as storage for
your paperclip and create a migration for the additional database
In your model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar,
:storage => :database ## This is the essence
:styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
There is a migration generator that will create a basic migration for the extra table.
On the console (rails 3):
bundle exec ./script/rails generate paperclip_database:migration User avatar
The generated migration should be sufficient, but you may consider
adding additional code to the migration such as t.timestamps
adding standard rails timesstamps or a referential database
constraint, or an index on the foreign key id column. If you add a
refferential constraint with the option ON DELETE CASCADE
, then you
need to add the option :cascade_deletion => true
to your paperclip
declaration to let PaperclipDatabase know that the
Database takes care of it. Otherwise PaperclipDatabase will do the
cascade deletion.
To start develop, please download the source code
git clone git://
When downloaded, you can start issuing the commands like
bundle install
bundle exec appraisal clean
bundle exec appraisal generate
bundle exec appraisal install
bundle exec appraisal rake
Or you can see what other options are there:
bundle exec rake -T
Paperclip Database Storage is heavily inspired by this blog by Pat Shaughnessy. The initial source code for that blog is no longer available, but the code in this gem is based on that initial code.
Copyright (c) 2012 Jarl Friis. See LICENSE.txt for further details.