This project is use to stress a solana cluster like devnet, testnet or local solana cluster by simulating mango markets. This code requires ids.json which describe mango group for a cluster and accounts.json file which has preconfigured user accounts in mango.
To create a new configuration for mango for your cluster please check the following project:
The code then will create transaction request (q) requests per seconds for (n) seconds per perp market perp user. Each transaction request will contains remove following instruction CancelAllPerpOrders and two PlacePerpOrder (one for bid and another for ask).
For the best results to avoid limits by quic it is better to fill the argument "identity" of a valid staked validator for the cluster you are testing with.
Do not use localhost use instead.
Install configure-mango
git clone
cd configure_mango
yarn install
sh scripts/
# open a new terminal as the previous one will continue running a solana validator
# this command will hang for around a minute, just wait for it to finish
NB_USERS=50 yarn ts-node index.ts
Install mango-simulation
git clone
cd mango-simulation
cargo build
# copy over files from configure_mango while you wait for the build to finish
mkdir -p localnet
cp ../configure_mango/ids.json localnet
cp ../configure_mango/accounts.json localnet
cp ../configure_mango/authority.json localnet
cp ../configure_mango/config/validator-identity.json localnet
To run against your local validator:
cargo run --bin mango-simulation -- -u --identity localnet/validator-identity.json --keeper-authority localnet/authority.json --accounts localnet/accounts.json --mango localnet/ids.json --mango-cluster localnet --duration 10 -q 2 --transaction-save-file tlog.csv --block-data-save-file blog.csv
You can also run the simulation against testnet, but you will need to run configure_mango
Details for each argument:
mango-simulation [OPTIONS] --accounts <FILENAME> --mango <FILENAME>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --accounts <FILENAME> Read account keys from JSON file generated with mango-client-v3
--batch-size <UINT> If specified, transactions are send in batches of specified size
-b, --block-data-save-file <FILENAME> To save details of all block containing mm transactions
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default:
-d, --duration <SECS> Seconds to run benchmark, then exit; default is forever
-n, --entrypoint <HOST:PORT> Rendezvous with the cluster at this entry point; defaults to
-i, --identity <FILEPATH> Identity used in the QUIC connection. Identity with a lot of stake has a
better chance to send transaction to the leader
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-
beta, testnet, devnet,]
-k, --keeper-authority <FILEPATH> If specified, authority keypair would be used to pay for keeper
-c, --mango-cluster <STR> Name of mango cluster from ids.json
-m, --mango <FILENAME> Read mango keys from JSON file generated with mango-client-v3
--markets-per-mm <UINT> Number of markets a market maker will trade on at a time
--prioritization-fees <UINT> Takes percentage of transaction we want to add random prioritization fees
to, prioritization fees are random number between 100-1000
-q, --quotes-per-second <QPS> Number of quotes per second
-t, --transaction-save-file <FILENAME> To save details of all transactions during a run
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the solana cluster