WARNING: This extension has not been released onto RubyGems and is not currently being developed upon.
Solidus PayPal Marketplace is a Solidus extension that provides one possible implementation of a marketplace using Solidus and PayPal Commerce Platform as payment method (via the solidus_paypal_commerce_platform extension).
PayPal Commerce Platform has a lot of built-in features specific for marketplaces and this extension take advantage of them to design a simple marketplace architecture.
- Admin users will be able to create sellers and initiate their onboarding flow.
- Sellers will receive the onboarding email and will be able to login and connect their seller account with their business PayPal account.
- Once seller account is properly configured, they can manage their catalogue availability, prices, even via uploading a .csv file.
- Sellers can manage their shipments, by accepting, rejecting or marking them as shipped.
- Sellers will receive payoffs for their orders on their PayPal account directly.
Add solidus_paypal_marketplace to your Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_paypal_marketplace', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_paypal_marketplace', branch: 'main'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator, then seed the database:
bin/rails generate solidus_paypal_marketplace:install
bin/rails solidus_paypal_marketplace:db:seed
You will need an approved PayPal Platform Partner app. Some webhooks are needed to be enabled for the extension to work properly.
Log in in your PayPal business account and edit your app.
At the bottom of the form press the Add Webhook
In the Webhook URL field
insert the domain of your application, followed by /paypal_webhooks
(eg: https://myapp.com/paypal_webhooks
Select the following events from the checkboxes list and save.
Merchant onboarding completed Merchant partner-consent revoked Payment capture completed Payment capture denied
This will create a Webhook Id
to be used in the configuration below, along with the app Client ID
, Secret
and Partner Code
Configure it with:
# config/initializer/solidus_paypal_marketplace.rb
SolidusPaypalMarketplace.configure do |config|
config.paypal_client_id = ENV.fetch('PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID')
config.paypal_client_secret = ENV.fetch('PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET')
config.partner_code = ENV.fetch('PAYPAL_PARTNER_CODE')
config.paypal_partner_id = ENV.fetch('PAYPAL_PARTNER_ID')
config.paypal_webhook_id = ENV.fetch('PAYPAL_WEBHOOK_ID')
PayPal Partner Id
and PayPal Client Secret
can be found in the details of your approved partner app.
PayPal Partner Code
will be given to you on marketplace approval from PayPal.
PayPal Partner Id
is the Account ID
found in the details of your PayPal approved partner account.
PayPal Webhook Id
will be found on the bottom of your approved partner app details.
Then go to the "Settings/Payments" section and click the "New Payment Method" button. Select PayPal Marlketplace Platform
as payment type. After creation, set the credentials by selecting paypal_marketplace_credentials
as "Preference Source".
Sellers can be created in the "Sellers" section, a individual percentage
value must be set in order to calulate the platform fee for each purchase.
Click on the "Start Onboarding" button on the newly created seller to generate the action_url
needed to perform his onboarding. This can be refreshed at any time if needed.
Seller will be guided in the onboarding process on first login. To do that, be sure to create at least a user for each seller. The user will need to have the "seller" role and a seller selected from the dropdown menu.
After user creation, seller will be notified of the possibility to login on the platform.
The only action possible at this moment will be clicking a link to connect his PayPal Account. This will open a PayPal popup where insert PayPal credentials can be inserted or a new account can be created.
When this is done, seller's status will be updated from pending
either to accepted
or rejected
According to this will or not be able to use the platfform.
Step to test the seller onboarding process using localtunnel.
- npm install -g localtunnel
- lt --port 3000
- Visit the tunneled link
- As Admin, visit the admin seller edit page
- Click on top right
Start Onboarding
- Switch to seller user
- Click on
link PayPal account
First bundle your dependencies, then run bin/rake
. bin/rake
will default to building the dummy
app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using
bin/rake extension:test_app
To run Rubocop static code analysis run
bundle exec rubocop
When testing your application's integration with this extension you may use its factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'solidus_paypal_marketplace/factories'
To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run bin/sandbox
. The path for
the sandbox app is ./sandbox
and bin/rails
will forward any Rails commands to
Here's an example:
$ bin/rails server
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails application starting in development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Seeds loader will search for a DEFAULT_MERCHANT_ID
env variables to load in the default seller,
or even for an array of sellers data inside a SELLER_SEEDS
env variable (this should be JSON encoded).
This can help preserving sellers across sandbox resets.
# Default data
# Custom data
# NB: Seller JSON data is easy obtainable with a query like
# `Spree::Seller.select(:name, :percentage, :merchant_id, :merchant_id_in_paypal).to_json`
SELLER_SEEDS="[{\"name\":\"Seller A\",\"percentage\":10.0,\"merchant_id\":\"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111\",\"merchant_id_in_paypal\":\"AAAAAAAAAAAAA\"},{\"name\":\"Seller B\",\"percentage\":20.0,\"merchant_id\":null,\"merchant_id_in_paypal\":null\}]"
Before and after releases the changelog should be updated to reflect the up-to-date status of the project:
bin/rake changelog
git add CHANGELOG.md
git commit -m "Update the changelog"
Please refer to the dedicated page on Solidus wiki.
Copyright (c) 2021 Nebulab, released under the New BSD License