This tool uses Cyclops Tensor Framework (CTF) routines. CTF is a distributed memory library that delivers routines for contraction and summation of sparse and dense tensors.
Download and build CTF:
Easiest way to do above is to install CTF with ./configure --no-dynamic && make
install globally with sudo make install
, but local build would also work fine.
To compile this tool provide include and lib path to CTF in and run make.
To test with default parameters, just run ./jaccard
or mpirun -np 4 ./jaccard
To run, use e.g. ./jaccard -m 4000 -n 100 -p .01 -nbatch 10
, which would generate a 4000-by-100 k-mer bit matrix with 1% nonzeros, then compute a 100-by-100 similarity matrix by accumulating batches of 400 rows at a time.
To compute Jaccard index using k-mer files, run
mpirun -np 4 ./jaccard -f "Path to directory that contains k-mer files" -lfile "List of k-mer files. Each file contains a data sample/read (One column of the input matrix, n)" -m "number of rows" -n "number of columns" -nbatch "number of batches"