This is a FORK of the SolrMarc** project; it is streamlined for the single purpose of profiling Marc data with a Solr index.
clone the project
git clone git://
create a Solr instance for the profiling
** see profiling/solr for config files, solr war file, solr.xml, etc. ** see Solr project at
run the dist ant task:
ant dist
create a script to run your marc data through the solrmarc instance to write to a Solr index
(see examples in profiling/scripts)
run your script
Query the Solr index to see your data
Fork it
Create your feature branch (‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
Commit your changes (‘git commit -am ’Added some feature’‘)
Push to the branch (‘git push origin my-new-feature`)
Create new Pull Request
More on the SolrMarc project
SolrMarc is a utility that reads in MaRC records from a file, extracts information from various fields as specified in an indexing configuration script, and adds that information to a specified Apache Solr index.
SolrMarc provides a rich set of techniques for mapping the tags, fields, and subfields contained in the MARC record to the fields you wish to include in your Solr documents, but it also allows the creation of custom indexing functions if you cannot achieve what you require using the predefined mapping techniques.
Aside from inline comments, the best place to find documentation is on the non-forked SolrMarc project pages at