Minimalistic windows service manager. Originally was created to run NodeJS applications as windows service. Can be used as part InnoSetup script to install the service
- Copy raas.exe into separate folder
- Create raas.ini file in the same folder
- Edit raas.ini and set parameters
- Run raas.exe /INSTALL to install the serivice
ServiceDescription=Very Important Service
Note: if AppName is missing service will start and write an error into windows event log
- INSTALL - Create windows service
- UNINSTALL - Delete windows service
- STOP - Stop windows service
- SILENT - Supresses instalaltion messages
- USERNAME - Service User Name
- PASSWORD - User Password
Filename: "{app}\rass.exe"; Parameters: "/INSTALL /SILENT USERNAME=jonh PASSWORD=test; Flags: shellexec hidewizard runminimized waituntilterminated runascurrentuser dontlogparameters;
Filename: "{app}\rass.exe"; Parameters: "/STOP"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden shellexec waituntilterminated;\ Filename: "{app}\rass.exe"; Parameters: "/UNINSTALL /SILENT"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden shellexec waituntilterminated;