As a pay later service we allow our users to buy goods from a merchant now, and then allow them to pay for those goods at a later date.
The service works inside the boundary of following simple constraints -
Let's say that for every transaction paid through us, merchants offer us a discount.
- For example, if the transaction amount is Rs.100, and merchant discount offered to us is 10%, we pay Rs. 90 back to the merchant.
- The discount varies from merchant to merchant.
- A merchant can decide to change the discount it offers to us, at any point in time.
All users get onboarded with a credit limit, beyond which they can't transact.
- If a transaction value crosses this credit limit, we reject the transaction.
There are various use cases our service is intended to fulfil -
- allow merchants to be onboarded with the amount of discounts they offer
- allow merchants to change the discount they offer
- allow users to be onboarded (name, email-id and credit-limit)
- allow a user to carry out a transaction of some amount with a merchant.
- allow a user to pay back their dues (full or partial)
- Reporting:
- how much discount we received from a merchant till date
- dues for a user so far
- which users have reached their credit limit
- total dues from all users together
Run application -
ruby simple_pay_later_service.rb sample_input.txt
new user user1 [email protected] 300
new user user2 [email protected] 400
new user user3 [email protected] 500
new merchant m1 0.5%
new merchant m2 1.5%
new merchant m3 1.25%
new txn user2 m1 500
new txn user1 m2 300
new txn user1 m3 10
report users-at-credit-limit
new txn user3 m3 200
new txn user3 m3 300
report users-at-credit-limit
report discount m3
payback user3 400
report total-dues
user1 (300)
user2 (400)
user3 (500)
"m1 (0.5%)"
"m2 (1.5%)"
"m3 (1.25%)"
rejected! (reason: credit limit)
rejected! (reason: credit limit)
user3(dues 100)