My enhanced personal research version of xDrip
Info page and APK download:
- Natural language voice and text input of Treatments (Insulin/Carbs)
- Tasker plugin support including remote calibrations
- Instant data synchronization between phones and tablets
- Visualization of Insulin and Carb action curves.
- Forward prediction with live "Bolus Wizard"
- Developed using Rapid Prototyping methodology
- Immediate results favoured to prove concepts
- Designed to support my personal research goals
- Community testing and collaboration appreciated!
- Code clean up
- Extensible Profile configuration
- Increase automation and data backup and sync options
- More Nightscout integration
##Collaboration I am very happy if people want to collaborate on this project. There is significant room for improvement in the code and in an ideal world changes could be cherry picked back to xDrip mainline. Please contact me if you want to get involved.
##Thanks None of this would be possible without all the hard work of the xDrip and Nightscout communities who have developed such excellent software and allowed me to build upon it.